Chapter 10: Close Call

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Tony woke up with a massive headache. Groaning, we went to crawl out of bed to take some Advil, but found out that he couldn't move.

Looking down, he saw Ziva hugging him in her sleep. Tony smiled and brought his hand to her bare back, and drew circles with his finger.

Ziva's eyes fluttered open, and she looked at him, smiling.

"Good morning". Tony said cheerfully. Despite the heavy pounding in his head.

"No regrets?" Ziva asked him. She unwrapped her arms from around him, and scooted farther up the bed so that she was eye to eye to Tony. She rested her head on the pillow, while stilling looking at him.

"Nope". Tony answered with a grin. "You?"


With that, Tony and Ziva kissed each other passionately. It wasn't a sweet and tender kiss, but a hard kiss, full of tongue; like a competition to see who could out-do each other. They were both battling for dominance, and neither one was determined to give in.

They broke the kiss for the need of air, and they stared into each other's eyes. A mixture of lust, passion, and fire were etched into both of their eyes. However, they began to soften. The lust was replaced by love, passion replaced with tenderness, and fire replaced by sweetness.

"Oh Ziva". Tony half moaned, and began to kiss her again. This time, more sweet, and less tongue. They would break the kiss more often to smile up against their lips.


Due to all their hangovers, the Team decided to skip their morning bike ride. Instead, they were all relaxing in the hot tub. Gibbs was sipping his coffee at the kitchen table, and reading a newspaper.

Wrapped in a towel, Ziva came into the kitchen, and prepared something to eat. "Good morning Gibbs". She said, and Gibbs looked up at her from his newspaper.

As Ziva turned around to grab something from the refrigerator, Gibbs saw something that made his temper rise.

A hickey. And a very large one at that.

"Ziva!" He barked.

Startled, Ziva jumped and whirled around to look at him with wide, surprising eyes.

"What's that on your neck?" Gibbs questioned. He got up and walked over to take a better look.

"What's what on my-". Ziva began to ask, but Gibbs' venomous stare shut her up.

"You have a damn hickey on your neck!" He practically shouted at her. "DINOZZO!" Gibbs shouted to him.

With her heart beating twice as fast as normal, Ziva realized that Tony had given her a hickey last night. She remembered it well. Tony had climbed on top of her and sucked, bit, and licked her pulse point on the base of her neck. She was concerned she would receive a hickey, and tried in vain to push him off her. Due to her intoxication, Ziva was left powerless, and was unable to push him away. And, also due to the excessive amount she drank, she had shamelessly begged for more.

Heart still pounding, Ziva quickly came up with a lie. "Gibbs! It's not a hickey!" She said with mock surprise. "I got bit by a spider yesterday, and it swole up. How could you even think Tony and I..." She trailed off with an accusatory tone.

She looked at Gibbs straight in the eye, and forced herself to look hurt.

Gibbs' glare soften, but his eyes were laced with slight suspicion. "Alright". He said quietly, after a while. "I believe you. But you better not be lyin' to me Ziver".

Ziva felt a pang of guilt, but forced herself to stick with her story. "It's alright Gibbs". She said softly. "I would not jeopardize our relationship as a team, just for some stupid fling with Tony".

After Gibbs walked away, Ziva let out a huge breath. That was close.

Uff that was close😅. Next chapter up soon! Sorry this one was so short
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