Chapter 13: Leaving

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Today, they had to leave. They were all saddened by the fact that their vacation had come to an end, but realized that they had a job to do back in D.C, and that came first.

Gibbs was putting the final suitcase in the trunk. He slammed the trunk shut, and took one final sweep of the house; just in case they had forgotten something.

Tony, Ziva, Abby, and McGee were all in the car. Tony was flipping through the photos he took on his camera, and showing them to Ziva.

"You still have to send the picture of the owl". She reminded him.

"Oh yeah. I'll do that when we get home". He promised. He flipped to the next picture, and paused; smiling.

"What?" Ziva asked him. "What is it?"

"Here's the last picture, and it's the only one with somebody in it". He said, quoting what he said to her after the Paris trip.

He showed her the picture, and she smiled. It was a picture of her. Her face full of delight as she looked somewhere off into the distant. Ziva remembered when he took that picture.

"That was when I saw the owl. Right?" She asked, grinning at him.

Tony nodded, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I'm keeping this one forever". He murmured; his lips up against her forehead.

"I love you so much". She whispered to him, as she nuzzled herself into his side.

"I love you with all my heart". He whispered back to her.

Tony felt complete. He finally got the woman he truly loved, and he was content. He wrapped his arms protectively around her, and nuzzled his nose in her hair. He breathed in her scent.

He felt her arms snake around his waist, and squeezed slightly before relaxing them.

Tony smiled again. He was content. He was complete.

And... finished! Sorry it wasn't much of story. I didn't want to make it a long story, but hopefully it wasn't too short.

Hope you liked it!!

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