Chapter 9: Drunk People Don't Lie

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The Team decided to shop at the Village this afternoon. Ziva was running low on food to cook, and they all wanted souvenirs. Apart from the food and the souvenirs, they wanted to walk around, and take in the Oregon experience.

Tony and Ziva had not spoken about their 'almost kiss'. Surprisingly, things weren't awkward between them, but they were more intimate with each other. Tony was brushing up against Ziva more often, and Ziva's touches lingered longer than usual.

Unfortunately for them, Gibbs had suspected that something happened between the two of them. He couldn't tell what exactly, but his famous gut told him something about his two best agents was off. He would have to keep a closer eye on them.


"Wow. This is cool". Abby commented as they walked into a shop called 'Goodies". It sold ice cream, smoothies, Bubble Tea, and coffee. (It wouldn't be Oregon without the coffee :-D )

Since it was hot, they all decided to hydrate themselves with drinks. Both Abby and Ziva tried the Bubble Tea. Abby ordered a Raspberry Kiwi Bubble Tea, while Ziva ordered the Strawberry Mango Bubble Tea. Gibbs ordered a hot coffee, but both McGee and Tony ordered a blended coffee.

Ten minutes later, they exited the shops, and walked into a next store. It was called 'Your Store'. Inside, were sweaters, t-shirts, and hoodies either saying 'Oregon', or 'Sunriver' on the back. Ziva got a light blue hoodie with 'Oregon on the back, and Abby got a black t-shirt with 'Sunriver, Oregon' on the back as well. Tony, however decided to go with a navy blue t-shirt, with Bigfoot on the front of it.

Ziva rolled her eyes when she saw it. "Really Tony?"

Tony made a face at her. "Yes really". Just then, his eyes lit up. "This reminds me of the movie 'Harry and the Hendersons'. Bigfoot comes across a family, and they decide to keep him and name Harryyouch".

Tony was interrupted by Gibbs head slapping him. "Spare us DiNozzo". He ordered.

"Sorry boss".


They got back to their cabin, and Tony helped Ziva unload the groceries. Ziva told Tony were to put them, and they worked together to prepare dinner. Tony placed the many bottles of wine they all bought at the supermarket in the pantry. They all decided to play a drinking game after dinner for fun. They often didn't get a chance to drink due to their unpredictable work hours.

Tony couldn't explain why he suddenly wasn't to be so helpful. He came to the conclusion that he just wanted to be near Ziva. Since the kitchen was tiny, it was the perfect excuse to 'accidentally bump into her, and brush up against her without raising suspicion.

Gibbs, however, was very suspicious. His gut told him that they were close to breaking Rule #12. Their 'innocent' touches, their close proximities, the side glances...

Gibbs shook his head. He hoped for the Team's sake that they wouldn't break Rule #12. That rule was placed there for a reason, and if they broke it, the Team would have to split up. End of story.


It was nearing midnight, and Gibbs had already gone to bed hours ago. Abby, McGee, Tony, and Ziva had all stayed up playing the drinking game, and as a result, had gotten themselves extremely intoxicated. Abby and McGee had passed out on the floor, and Tony and Ziva were giggling and drinking on the living room couch.

"Toooney! Toooney stop!" Ziva giggled. "I think you had one too many". She said, referring to how much Tony drank that night.

"Umm nope". Tony said, his speech slightly slurred. He giggled. "I don't think so Zeevah".

He then tapped her nose with his finger, and Ziva broke into a fit of giggles.

"I wanna have sex, Zeevah". Tony said giggling. "With you. Right now".

He made a growling noise, and attacked Ziva's neck. His mouth was open wide as he sucked on her skin.

"Ahhh, Toonyyy". Ziva giggled some more, and pried him away. "Tony, you're too tipsy. You aren't thinking straight".

Tony growled deeper, and stared directly into her eyes. "Damn right I'm thinking straight. I want you, and I want you now!"

He grabbed her legs, and pulled her so that she was straddling his lap. Ziva quickly wrapped her calves around Tony, so she was even closer to him.

"Oh God Tony". Ziva said huskily. I want you too".

She started kissing all over his neck. It first started with sweet, delicate kisses, but then turned into passionate, desperate kisses. Ziva kissed behind his ear, and nibbled on his earlobe a little.

"I want you so badly". She whispered provocatively in his ear.

She ran her hands through his scalp, and up and down his chest, while still kissing his neck passionately.

"You have no idea how much I want you". She whispered again in his ear.

Tony gulped. Ziva's words seemed to go straight to the growing bulge in his pants.

He moaned loudly when Ziva began to snake her fingers lower, and lower. She grabbed him, and Tony's eyes almost popped out of his eye socket. With a primal roar, he picked Ziva up, and carried her into the bedroom.

Tony threw Ziva on the bed. She giggled as she bounced a little. Tony then climbed onto the bed, and hovered over her; kissing her on the lips passionately.

The clothes then came off. They were thrown across the room, and landed in various places.

Tony slowly kissed Ziva down her body. He purposely missed kissing her most intimate part of her body, and proceeded kissing down her leg and to her feet; despite Ziva's moans of protest.

"Tony". Ziva moaned breathlessly.

Tony grinned. "Patience, Sweetcheeks". He cooed. He then kissed her feet, and said the word for feet in Hebrew. He did the same thing for her legs, stomach, chest, neck, and lips.

By the time Tony reached Ziva's lips, she was a moaning mess.

"Tony!" She moaned more urgently. "Stop teasing me. I need you now!"

Tony chuckled and ran his fingers up and down on her inner thighs. That threw Ziva over the edge. She moaned louder, and threw her head back on the pillow with frustration.


Tony didn't say anything. He just chucked hoarsely, before giving Ziva what she wanted.

Tony swore that they would get a call tomorrow complaining about the noise.

Guys. It happened! Tony and Ziva finally got their act together and slept with each other 😆 Still, they were both extremely drunk... but hey! They still slept together 😝

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