14: Rain

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You must have fallen asleep, because you woke up to your phone ringing. You sighed and turned over. Dave wasn't there. He probably just went to his room or something.

You sighed and slowly got up. You took your phone out of your pocket and picked up the call.


"Hey, sweetie," your mum said sweetly. "Where are you right now?

"Uh, I'm at Dave's house," you said.

"Thank goodness," she sighed a breath of relief. "Sweetie, I won't be able to make it home tonight."

"Oh, it's okay. Belle can take care of me."

"She's already home. And she can't come to our house right now due to the really bad traffic at her place," your mum said. "I'll just sleep in one of the hotels nearby here. Is it okay if you stay at Dave's place for the night?"

"Uhh, I don't mind. But I have to ask Dave first," you said.

"Ask me what?"

You looked up to see Dave Strider in an oversized red sweater and grey comfy pants. He looked adorable.

"My mum wants me to stay over here for tonight since she'll be busy and I'd be home alone," you explained.

"Oh. It's cool."

"So I can stay?"

He just gave a cool nod. You couldn't help but smile sheepishly. "He said it's cool," you said into the phone.

"Alright. Tell him I said thank you, thank you so much honey. See you tomorrow, [nickname]. I love you. Good night."

"I love you too, mum. Good night."

You hung up and looked at Dave. "She said thank you, thank you so much honey."

"If she can call me honey then so can you," he said, raising his eyebrows. He chuckled when he saw your confused look. "I'm kidding, [nickname]. So, do you need clothes?"

You nodded. You had totally forgot about that.

He turned to walk to his room, but you stopped him.



"Thank you, you know. For, like, everything." You blushed a bit.

Dave, still facing in the direction towards his room (away from you), simply responded with, "It's cool."

You stepped out of the shower with Dave's oversized clothes that matched the clothes you had seen him wear earlier. Your (hair colour) (hair length) hair was down. Your (hair style) hair felt soft.

You creaked open the door a bit and looked at the hallway. It was dark. Dave must be asleep.

You crawled under the sheets and sighed. You just seemed to want to be with him right now.

You tried to shake it off and closed your eyes.

You couldn't sleep comfortably, though. You would always keep waking up. By the time it was around 11pm you were wide awake, lying in bed alone. You looked over at the door you had opened a bit just now and didn't close.

You silently walked outside and closed the door. You made your way to Dave's bedroom - the same bedroom he had went into to get you some clothes - and softly knocked a few times. You hoped he was still awake.

You immediately heard footsteps coming closer. Then the door was opened by this adorable guy with matching clothes.

"Hi," you softly said.

"Hey," he softly said, too.

"I can't sleep."

"Yeah, me neither.. Well, uh, wanna hang out for a bit?"

You smiled. "Sure." You entered the room and lay down on his bed.

He gently lay down next to you.

You turned to lay on your side so you were facing him. "It's 11pm, Strider, and you still have those glasses on." you giggled.

He turned to lay on his side so he was facing you. "Does it concern you?"

"Well, I do want to see what's been hiding behind those dark shades all this while."

He sighed. "But what if you don't like them?"

You shook your head softly and slowly removed them from his face. The vermilion eyes slowly came into sight. You put his glasses on the bed and looked back at him. Your faces were so close that your noses were touching and you could feel his cold apple breath.

"Dave, they're beautiful," you whispered.

No response.

You both just softly gazed at each other.

He softly put a hand on your cheek as you guys came closer.

Your lips softly touched. He pulled you in and softly kissed your lips. You didn't hesitate to kiss back. And in that moment, you realised you knew how you felt as you both lay together in the dark with the stars twinkling outside.

You were in love.

After a while, you both let go and opened your eyes and looked at each other.

He smiled softly.

You both smiled softly, too.

"I love you," he said softly.

"I love you too," you said in the same soft tone.

It wasn't long before you both were close and having your lips softly touch again.

When you both let go, you both just cuddled closer. He pulled the sheets over both of you. He was stroking your soft (h/c) hair as you lay your head on his shoulder.

You both stayed that way until you both eventually fell asleep.

Dave Strider x Reader (Alternia High)Where stories live. Discover now