I get on the Bad Side of the Stolls

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Catherine's POVSecrets. Secrets were my childhood. Secrets are my life. Never tell. Don't hint. Stay quiet. Stay private. Stay safe. Keep secrets.

That's what I led my life by. Because if people get close to you they can hurt you. I can't let people close to me. Even with Rose, I still have my guard up. Rose was the closest thing to a friend that I've had or probably will ever have.

Shut up, I told myself. Who cares about Rose? She was just a stupid, incompetent girl that didn't even know what a demigod is. Everything must be done for the big plan. The big plan.

Walking through the woods, I was nervous. We were very close to Camp Half-Blood. If a demigod were to find us now, my plan would be ruined. Everything had to go exactly right.

"What's wrong? You seem jumpy," Rose asked.

Though I longed to say something else, I said, "I don't know. I'm just worried something is gonna find us." I wasn't really worried. I was the most powerful child in the whole world. Nothing could hurt me.

I needed to find Camp Half-Blood. I had been given directions and I had been leading us towards it the whole time, even though Rose had no clue. It should be right up ahead, but I couldn't be sure. How would my parents react if I failed?

As we turned the last corner, a hill loomed over us. I grinned and jumped up and down. Finally, I was at Camp Half-Blood. "I made it. I mean, we made it. We're here! Come on, Rose!" I set off towards the camp, overjoyed, when I looked behind me and saw Rose looking scared. Right. We had been on the run together for 27 days, 6 hours, and 44 minutes. Not once during that time had I ever suggested that we run towards civilization. She would need some convincing.

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea? What is that place?" Rose asked. I played on her weak point: trust.

"I don't know," I said, "I just have a really good feeling. We have to go there. You trust me, right?" She looked hesitant, but she nodded. I was the reason that she had survived the last few weeks. Of course she trusted me. "Well then, what are you waiting for?" I ran up towards the camp, Rose grumbling behind me. After 2 months, part 1 of my mission was finally complete.

We walked through the barrier and into camp. Wow. It was amazing. I saw the cabins; there were so many of them now after the remodeling. There would be no cabin for me, though. I wondered what demigod Rose was. She obviously was a demigod since she made it through the barrier. But then I had an idea. If Rose didn't get claimed, I could blame some of my, hmm, let's say "shenanigans," on her. I just had to block any chance of her being claimed. That should be easy enough.

Rose called out, "Um, hello?" I did a facepalm in my mind. Great first impression. A camper started walking towards us. Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena. Target #3. Just looking at her made my blood boil. She had ruined everything. I wanted revenge. I wanted to attack her right there and then. Not yet, I told myself. I had to wait until the right moment.

"Are you new? Who brought you?" Annabeth said.

I was busy looking at the camp for some of my other targets, so Rose was the one to respond. "We're here with our parents. Vacationing nearby and they let us explore. They're right down there."

No, that's not going to do, I thought. We would be living here at Camp Half-Blood for a while; at least, until I could finish my mission. There was no use in lying. That would just make the campers distrust us.

"Really? Are you sure?" Annabeth asked.

I answered truthfully. At least, it was truthfully from Rose' perspective. "No, that's not true. We're runaways. What is this place?" I already knew what Camp Half-Blood was, of course, but I had to lie to keep up my cover. We talked some more to Annabeth and she led us to The Big House, but it was all just going through the motions for me. I knew all of this already, so I just absentmindedly lied.

When Annabeth went in The Big House, probably to see if Chiron was ready to see us, Rose asked me, "Should we run, Cath? This place seems weird." I had been searching for this camp for a long time. There was no way I was running now.

"No, I think this is all going to work out for the best," I replied. Annabeth came out and saved me from having to answer Rose's follow-up questions. Ha, Annabeth saved me. Never thought that would happen.

Annabeth said, "Chiron, he's the head of this camp, is in there, ready to see you. He'll explain everything. I think I forgot introductions. My name is Annabeth and welcome to Camp Half-Blood." I already all that she could tell me, of course. I had studied pictures of Annabeth for years, but I just wanted to make sure.

"I'm sorry, did you say Annabeth?" I asked innocently.

"I know, it's not a very common name. Now, go right in." Annabeth said. I noticed how she didn't answer my question. Interesting.

Rose took a little convincing, but we finally both made it into The Big House. A man, or, at least, what looked like a man, was sitting in a wheelchair inside. It was Chiron the centaur, trainer of demigod heroes. I despised him. Target #1 was now in sights.

I stayed silent as he gently explained about demigods. Rose gave several gasps and I gave her several reassurances, but I was busy thinking about something else right now. My instincts said to strike. If I took down Chiron now, he wouldn't expect it and part 2 of the plan would be complete. But my brain screamed at me to wait. What would I do if I had a knocked-out centaur, a confused Rose, and a camp full of demigods that hated me. I had to wait until the moment presented itself. All in good time.

"Well, it's off to the Hermes cabin for you. I'm sure Annabeth will be waiting outside to give you a tour. Make yourself at home and welcome to camp!" Chiron finished. Sure enough, Annabeth was waiting outside for us outside of The Big House.

"Do you want a tour?" she asked.

Rose opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off. "Can we get one later? I just want to go to our, er, cabin." Rose nodded her agreement. She'd go wherever I went.

"Okay. Ask for me whenever you want a tour. The cabin is right over there." Annabeth said. Rose thanked her and we went to the cabin that we had pointed out. There was only one other camper in the Hermes cabin.

"Hi!" she greeted. "I'm Grace. You guys must be new. I just got here 2 days ago. Rose jumped into a lengthy conversation with her, but I simply collapsed in an open bed. I was so exhausted.

"Um, you might want to move. That's a Stoll bed and if they catch you there, it will not end well for you." Grace said. I mumbled something incoherent and pretended to sleep. Stolls didn't concern me. What threat did they pose compared to my power? My excited thoughts kept me from actual sleep. I was at Camp Half-Blood and it was time for my real mission to begin. I was going take revenge on the 7. Every one of them.

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