I Almost Hit my Head

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Grace's POV: I was a child of Athena. Great! I had always wondered who my mom was. I had suspected Athena, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. My biggest regret was leaving Rose, but it wasn't like I would never see her. I just wouldn't live with her anymore.

Cath was great and all, but I just didn't trust her. I only hung out with her because Rose was best friends with her. It's not that she wasn't nice or kind. I just had a bad feeling about Cath. And I couldn't stop thinking about the prophecy.

4 weeks ago, when I had first arrived at camp, I was getting a tour. My last stop was to meet the oracle, Rachel Dare. She was nice, but I could tell we wouldn't be good friends. Being polite, I struck up a conversation. We were in the middle of talking about the camp when it happened. I was so confused and I wasn't sure what was going on. Rachel started talking in a weird voice and I was wondering if I should run for help, when I heard what she was saying.

"The blood of the sleeping shall rise again

The fight won't stop until one life ends

Three new demigods, one may go

And one will let all evil know

Where their precious new home lies

But from the ashes, three leaders shall rise

Their fate has always been set in stone

From birth, they're enemies, flesh and bone

They must prevail, they must protect

For all creatures will feel the effect

The gods will help with all they can

But these three must carry out this plan

Beware, three girls, of all your foes

Stay away from the place where the light glows

Know the difference between real and pretend

And stop the evil before the camps' end"

Rachel promptly collapsed on the floor. I knew that the good thing to do would be to find help for Rachel, but a little voice in my head also told me that what Rachel had said was important. Repeating it in my head so I didn't forget, I ran to my cabin, pulled out a piece and paper and a pencil, and copied down what must've been a prophecy as best as I could. Afterwards, I went back to Rachel, only to find that some other campers had already found her. Figuring that the situation was covered, I had run back to my cabin to think about the prophecy. Should I tell someone about it? I wondered. I knew that it was my best option. It was my first day here. I wasn't experienced enough to deal with this own my own. Yet, one thing stopped me from running to The Big House and confiding in Chiron or another camper or whoever. If there was one thing I hated, it was being wrong. If I told someone about this and had heard the prophecy wrong, everyone would hate me. I was sure of it. I couldn't be wrong. I had to keep this to myself. No one could know.

That night at dinner, Chiron asked if any of the campers had heard a prophecy that afternoon. I stayed quiet. Luckily for me, Rachel didn't seem to even remember meeting me, meaning that she couldn't say that I was with her. Feeling bad, but knowing that it was all for the best, I just stood by while other campers disappointedly discussed the missed prophecy.

As I thought it over more and more, I realized that I might be one of the three campers in the prophecy. I was a new camper and I was a girl, so I fit the description. And I was the one there when the prophecy was given. It had to be me. The only question was who the other two girls were.

Over the upcoming weeks, I scrutinized every girl that came into camp. Were they my enemy? Would I have to fight them? But again and again, my guesses didn't fit and nothing came of the prophecy. I gradually relaxed, doubting myself. Maybe there wasn't a prophecy at all. Maybe I had just dreamed it all up. That's why I wasn't that concerned when Rose and Cath came to camp.

As I got to know them, I became great friends with Rose, but I grew wary of Cath. She seemed like she knew too much. It was as if she was using Rose. I didn't bring it up, but I tried to limit the amount of time that I spent hanging out with Cath. My suspicious grew and grew of Cath. Was she one of the girls in the prophecy? It fit, as far as I knew. I was sure that Rose wasn't one of the prophesied girls. Supposedly, I was "enemies, flesh and bone" with the other girls. I was great friends with Rose. She wasn't my enemy. Cath on the other hand.....

My thoughts were interrupted by Annabeth. "Hey, Grace." I jumped. Annabeth laughed. I was just glad that I didn't hit my head. "We're playing Capture the Flag next Friday. We're all meeting to plan. Come on out."

As I walked out, Annabeth whispered to me, "You know, you could try to talk to some more campers. You've been here for a while now, yet some of the other Athena demigods don't even know your name. Try to socialize a bit more, okay?" My face turned red. How dare she? I knew that Annabeth was a celebrated hero, but had she ever dealt with deciphering a whole prophecy by herself? No. She was in no place to tell me how to run my life. I stayed silent because I wasn't one to start drama, but I fumed inside.

I barely listened as Annabeth went over strategy for the upcoming game. Who cared about Capture the Flag when the fate of their home was in their hands? Annabeth caught my attention when she was going over the cabins that were on our side. "Wait, did you say Hermes?" I asked.

"No, they're our opponents." She replied absentmindedly, as if explaining to a kindergartener what the alphabet was. I was mad, but I was also intrigued. Assuming that they wouldn't be claimed by Friday, I would be playing against Cath and Rose. That might just give me a chance to see what their, specifically Cath's, powers were. If Cath was a daughter of Poseidon, it would make sense. Athena and Poseidon were well-known enemies, meaning that the enemy part of the prophecy would fit. I hadn't seen Cath do anything spectacular with water since she had been here, but she hadn't even done anything spectacular at all. I knew that Rose hadn't either, but I trusted Rose. Cath had to be the enemy.

While the rest of the Athena cabin came up with a strategy for the game, I formed my own plan in my mind. I had to find Cath, get her near water, and see what happened. If she did anything extraordinary, I would know that she was one of the girls in the prophecy. I had to be right.

After the meeting, I visited the Hermes cabin, hoping to get a chance to hang out with Rose by herself. Unfortunately, Cath was there too, and before I could leave, she called out to me. "Grace! How are things in the Athena cabin?"

Now I had no choice but to talk to them. "Good. I loved living with you guys, of course, but I feel so much more sure of myself now that I know who I am." I told her. I was good at thinking on my feet. Trying to bring the conversation to my advantage, I added, "We were just going over strategy for the upcoming Capture the Flag game." Rose seemed surprised at the news of the game, but Cath, as always, looked like she already knew. "We're not on the same team, sorry. I checked. Maybe for the next game. Or maybe one of you'll both be claimed and will switch sides!"

"Bummer!" Rose exclaimed.

"That's too bad. Whatever happens, good luck, Grace," Cath said. I caught a hint of malice in her voice.

Not backing down, I replied, "Good luck to you, too." I tried to keep my hate out of my voice, but I was sure that a little dribbled in.

Completely oblivious, Rose said, "Yeah, good luck! You're gonna need it. How are you going to beat me?" She struck a bodybuilder pose. I snorted, temporarily distracted, but Cath remained as cool as a cucumber. Fine, Cath, if you wanted to play that way.

"See you at the game," I announced, leaving the cabin. The other campers may be trying to win the Capture the Flag game, but I'd be playing a different kind of game come Friday. And I was ready for it.



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