I Bow Down Against My Will

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Grace's POV

"Wha, what happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I was in what looked like a hospital. Why was I there?

"Good morning, Grace," a red-haired boy called to me from across the room.

"Oh, Grace!" A familiar, brown haired girl, hobbled over and fell over me in a hug. "I'm so happy that you're okay! I was so worried when you came in. First no one could find you in the woods, then they brought you in, and you weren't breathing, but they saved you and you're okay and Cath is fine and we're all okay."

I shook my head. What had happened during Capture the Flag? "Did we win the game?" I croaked.

Rose laughed heartily. "You won, I didn't, but it doesn't matter. I'll get you next time. Do you remember what happened to you?"

I tried to think back to Capture the Flag. I had gone into the forest, following something, searching, and- I couldn't remember. It was like a wall had been put up around those memories and I had no clue as to what had happened. "I was, following something, and then, I don't know," I said.

Rose's eyes widened. "Grace, were you following, some type of animal, like a squirrel?" I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to remember.

"No, I don't think so. I think I was following a person. I can't-I don't-ROSE I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?"

"Shh, calm down Grace. You're hurt, you're probably feeling very confused. Just lay down, go back to sleep, and maybe you'll feel better and remember more when you wake up," Rose soothed. Maybe Rose was right. I just needed some rest and then everything would come back to me.

I was shaken awake, some time later. "Wake up, Grace! We have to move! Come on!" My brain went on high alert mode. Something was wrong. I jumped up and blindly followed the person that had woken me up. There was fog all around, making it hard to see anything. We all ran into the safe room and locked the door. It was small, dark, and cramped, but it was safe.

"Rose, are you here?"

"Yeah." The answer came from across the room. I felt my way over. I overheard two other campers talking as I walked.

"Yeah, the fog came out of nowhere. I just heard people yelling to get in the safe rooms."

Another voice said, "I heard people screaming for help too. It couldn't have been some kind of monster, right?"

"I don't know. Anything is possible in these days. You heard what Rose was saying about a monster luring her into the forest." That was news to me, but I kept listening. "It something was attacking, they sure picked a good time, with Chiron gone and all."

I finally reached Rose. "I hope Cath is okay," she said, worriedly.

"I'm sure she's fine," I said, trying to calm down Rose as best as I could. An alarm started going off. That meant one of the safe rooms had been penetrated. Each safe room had a different alarm, so you could tell which had been penetrated. I didn't know all the alarms yet, but I knew that one. The Athena cabin safe room was open.

I had only known them for a few days, but I was really scared for my brothers and sisters, along with my own safety. If whatever was attacking the camp could get through one safe room, they could get through others. No one was safe anymore.

I pulled out my celestial bronze gun (@123itsmejane). It was a very odd choice of weapon for a demigod, but it was what I felt safest with. I pointed it at the door, ready for anything to come through. Beside me, I heard Rose pull out her new dagger. We waited, hearing more alarms go off. Then, suddenly, the alarms all stopped. No one moved in the Apollo cabin safe room. A few minutes later, we heard voices yelling from outside that the coast was clear. We all slowly crept out.

Lots of stunned campers were outside. The damage to the camp wasn't horrible. Some of the cabins were looking a little broken, but nothing that couldn't be fixed within a week. Everyone started running around, trying to find their friends. I looked for one of my siblings, wanting to know what had happened in the Athena cabin.

"Carly!" I called towards my sister. "What happened?"

"No one is sure. This gas came into the safe room and everything was pitch dark. It burned to open your eyes, it burned to breathe. It was terrible. But something is very very wrong." Carly's ominous words did nothing to calm my nerves.

Rose rushed up to me. "I can't find Cath anywhere," she cried.

"She's fine, she's fine. Maybe she's still in the Hermes cabin safe room." We were about to go and check when an earsplitting air horn sounded. Everyone covered their ears.

"Hello, fellow campers." A voice rebounded throughout the camp. My stomach sank. Why was Cath addressing the whole camp like this? Did she cause all of this?

"I'm sure you're all very confused, but let me explain. You were attacked by a little creature. It doesn't have a name and it's never been in any Greek myths. That's because it's my little servant, but you don't have to worry about her. You have other things to worry about." An evil laugh echoed through the camp, giving me chills.

"I'm sure none of you dumb fools realized it by now, but some of your fellow campers are missing! I know, I know, gasp, shock, run for your lives. Well, it's too late for that last one. Camp Half-Blood is now being called Camp Cath and all of you will bow to me." Angry cries were emitting from the group of campers. Rage was bubbling up inside of me. How dare she declare us her slaves? Did she think that the whole camp working together wouldn't be able to take her down? "You may try and try to defeat me, but it will never work. Protest and you die. Work peacefully and maybe you'll live. I have my own spies inside of this camp and any troublemakers will be reported by them and then publicly executed by me. You will all serve me, for I am Catherine, daughter of Tartarus and Gaea, ruler of Camp Cath, and The Mighty One." Gasps were heard this time when Cath announced her heritage. Daughter of Gaea and Tartarus?

I was so angry. I had known from the start that this girl was nothing but trouble. She had to be in the prophecy. I wanted to strangle Cath so badly and I had a suspicion that she might've had something to do with my memory lapse. Cath was going to pay. I looked over to see Rose looking shocked, tears streaming down her face. I felt so bad for her. Cath was her best friend. But then, fear crept into my mind. You just said it yourself Grace, she was her best friend. What if she's a spy for Cath? I wanted to believe that Rose was good, but then again, we had never found out who Rose's parent was. What if she was Cath's sister?

Cath's voice rang throughout the newly named camp again. "Now, everyone, bow to me." No one moved a muscle. Instead, everyone stood defiantly, crossing their arms, holding their weapons, glaring, and looking for a place to attack. Even Rose joined in, shakily. I wielded my gun, ready to shoot anything that resembled Cath in the slightest. Rose resembles Cath, the little voice in my head taunted. It was true, they looked alike. Both had tan skin and brown hair. The only difference was that Cath had hazel eyes and Rose's eyes were brown. 'I SAID BOW!" Cath screamed. Nobody bowed, yet I saw Rose bend down a little, looking like she was conflicted. Disgust curled up inside of me. "Fine then, have it your way," Cath said.

The next thing that I knew, everything was pitch black. I was on my knees, my head pounding, gasping for air. I sunk to the ground, seeing stars, struggling to breathe. Then, completely silent and pure, nothingness.

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