We Get in a Prank War

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Camp Half Blood was the most awesome place ever. Everything had gone fantastically so far. Well, other than when the Stolls put syrup in the soap hand dispenser that Cath uses. And when they put toothpaste inside Oreos and Cath and I ate them. And when they put baby powder in the blow dryer and Grace got sprayed with the powder. But other than that, everything was great!

Cath and I were hanging out in the Hermes cabin. Grace joined as after she had managed to wash all the powder off. She said, "I told you not to go in the Stoll bed. Now you're never going to stop getting pranked and Rose and I are considered 'guilty by association.'"

"Should we prank them back?" I asked.

Grace's eyes widened in horror. "No way, that'll just make it worse."

Cath said, "I think it's a good idea."

"No, no, no, no, no. I've been here longer than you. I've seen what happens to people that prank the Stolls. We do not want to do this. You think their pranks are bad now? That's nothing compared to what they do to people that prank them." Grace reasoned.

"So what?" Cath said. "I'm not going to put up with it. We have to get them back to show that we aren't easy targets."

"Let's take a vote," I proposed. "All in favor of pranking the Stolls?" Cath and I raised our hands. "It's settled."

"No way! I'm not taking part in this." Grace said. "Have fun cleaning cockroaches out of your teeth."

"Aw, come on, Grace," I pleaded. "We're gonna get them good." Before Grace could disagree, Cath interrupted.

"What are we going to do?" She asked. An odd light flickered in her eyes.

I suggested, "How about a "Kick Me" sign?" Grace dramatically and purposefully turned her back on us.

"No, that'll never work," Cath said. "Too overdone. Got anything else?"

"Um, post-it note their room."

Cath rolled her eyes. "Rose, we share a room with them. Plus, that would take way too long. Someone would catch us before we finished?"

"How about setting off lots of alarm clocks?"


"Right," I said.

"You guys are hopeless," Grace said. "Here." She pulled out a bag from her dresser. "Secret stash of donuts. Fill them up with mayo from the kitchen and leave them out. They'll eat them. Voila."

"Grace, you're a genius!" I cried.

Cath said, "I always knew you had it in you."

"Ugh," Grace said, pulling her pillow over her head. "Go get the mayo and leave me out of it."

"You're the best," Cath called as we left for the kitchens. 30 minutes later, we had successfully spread mayo inside two donuts. "Okay, now we just have to leave them out and call Connor and Travis in," Cath lectured. I nodded.

"Connor, Travis! Can you please come in here. There's a problem with the, uh, cabin." I called out, beside myself with anticipation. This was going to be great. Grumbling, Connor and Travis came into the cabin. Cath and I hid behind some beds and tried not to giggle. The Stoll brothers immediately spotted the donuts.

"Cath! Rose! Can you come out here please?" A voice called from outside the cabin.

"One minute!" Cath called back.

"No, it's really important!" The voice said. "There are some messengers from the Roman camp asking to see you." Cath and I were surprised. We had heard of the Roman camp, but why would they want to see us? Seeing no other option, we went outside.

"Right over here," a girl said as she beckoned to us. I didn't recognize her, but I had only been at camp for a few days. She was standing outside of The Big House. "They're meeting with Chiron right now, but they said they'd be out in a minute." Wishing I was in the Hermes cabin to see the result of our prank, I waited. At least Grace could tell us what happened.

Several minutes later, Cath burst out, "Are they coming or what?" The girl looked startled.

"They should be coming out soon, I guess," she said. Then, I noticed something. Chiron was with some other campers, teaching archery. If he was teaching archery, he wasn't talking to Roman messengers. This was a trick. I started running towards the Hermes cabin. Cath was right behind me. As we burst in, my fear was confirmed. The words "Nice try" were written across Cath's pillow and my pillow. As I got closer, the smell told me that it was written in mayo.

"I can't believe them!" Cath exclaimed. "This smell is never going to come out!"

Grace appeared. "I warned you. There might be some spare pillowcases around here somewhere. Come on." After searching, we managed to come up with some new pillowcases. Cath triumphantly rubbed our old pillowcases all over the Stoll beds, much to Grace's disapproval. We hurried off to dinner afterwards.

All three of us squeezed into spots at the Hermes table. Lately, there had been a lot of unclaimed demigods, so it was crowded in the Hermes cabin. Following some announcements, everyone started to dig into their food. I saw the girl that had distracted us that afternoon talking to Travis. I wasn't angry anymore. The Stolls would be in for a surprise when they went to bed. If only I could find out who this girl was so I could prank her too.....

My thoughts were interrupted as an owl suddenly appeared over Grace's head, hooting loudly. I jumped about a mile, but Cath seemed unfazed. Grace was trying to look up to see what was causing the commotion when Chiron started talking.

"It appears that we have a claiming. Can we all welcome Grace Carter, daughter of Athena?" Applause flooded the area. Grace looked surprised.

"Am I supposed to go to the Athena table?" she asked. I saw Annabeth walking towards us. "I guess so. See you guys soon." Grace got up to join the Athena table, Annabeth guiding her.

"That was weird," I said. "When do you think we'll get claimed? Who are our parents?"

Cath shrugged. "Not much we can do about it. Just wait and see, I guess." She went back to eating dinner. Cath may have been able to brush it off, but I couldn't stop thinking about who my parent was. I kept looking up, waiting for a symbol to glow over my head, but it didn't happen. "Come on, let's go back to the cabin. I want to be there when the Stolls find their beds," Cath said.

We waited up, but the Stolls didn't come to their beds, and neither did Grace. It was going to be weird not to have her with us. As I drifted into sleep, I faintly heard outraged cries. That would be the Stolls. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Author's Note: With the summer ending, I am applying a schedule to this book. I will be posting on Mondays and Fridays, so make sure to look for new chapters on those days! 

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