I Help Myself Lose Capture the Flag

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Catherine's POV

Capture the Flag. Just the thought of it made me laugh. I knew that the camp used it as a training combat activity, but it was really useless. It's not like you would ever find yourself trying to steal a flag from Gaea. And if you did, she would totally dominate at that game, so there's no use trying.

Rose and I would be fighting on whatever side Hermes was on. There was no chance that we would be claimed by Friday, even though Rose was hopeful. I was trying to decide if I would actually try to win the Capture the Flag game. Whatever I chose, I had to be extra careful not to reveal my powers. It was too early in the game to show my cards.

On Thursday evening, I was eating dinner with Rose. The whole room was buzzing with excited chatter about the game tomorrow. Didn't these people have anything else to talk about?

"Whatever happens, the game should be cool to watch," Rose said. "We'll get to see some other demigods use their powers. I heard that some of The Seven are going to be playing!"

I forced a smile. "Well, we already know that Annabeth will be playing, but it's not like she has a spectacular ability to watch."

"True, but she's an absolute genius," Rose said. Chiron suddenly called everyone to attention.

"Campers, unfortunately, I am heading to Camp Jupiter for two weeks. The game tomorrow will still go on, but I am leaving early Friday morning, so I will not be here. Please listen to Mr. D and to the senior campers." Murmurs broke out. The Stoll brothers slowly snuck out, heading towards the Hermes cabin. Planning, I bet. Whatever.

I had my own planning to do. Chiron wasn't going to be here for 2 weeks. This would be my time to strike. "I don't think this food is agreeing with me," I lied, holding my stomach. "I'm going to go lie down."

"Oh no!" Rose exclaimed. "Do you want me to grab an Apollo kid? Will you be okay for the game tomorrow?"

"It's just a stomach ache, I'll be fine. Just make sure that the other campers don't disturb me, all right?"

"You got it. Yell for me if you need anything. Or ask for me. Whatever." Rose said eagerly. I stumbled over to the Hermes cabin and laid down in my bed. The Stolls quickly cleared out. The cabin was empty. Most of the campers spent their day out of the cabin, but I spent my time inside. I already knew that I would excel at all the classes they could offer. I had put off my lessons, but I was starting next Monday. It didn't matter. If everything went according to plan, the camp wouldn't be offering any classes on Monday. Well, maybe one. It would be taught by me and called "Dying 101." I grinned and drifted into sleep.

Friday morning was spent outlining a strategy for Capture the Flag. The game was starting at 2 o'clock. Rose had excitedly informed me that out of The Seven, Annabeth, Frank, and Piper would be playing today. The teams had been divvied out as evenly as possible. All I knew was that we were with Frank and the other side had Piper and Annabeth. It didn't matter to me much; it wasn't like I would be trying to play against them. I snuck off from the intense planning meeting and laid down in bed. I might as well relax until the game.

I was shaken awake by Rose some time later. "Wake up! The game is about to start!"

"Right." I mumbled. We ran to the edge of the forest, where the rest of the camp was gathered. I focused my mind.

"Ready! Set! GO!" Campers rushed into the woods. Objects were flying and traps were springing. I ducked down and ran off to the side. A cheetah dashed past with a flag in their mouth. That must have been Frank, hiding the flag. We had five minutes to hide the flag and get ready, but we were still allowed to battle each other and disarm before the real match began. I slipped through the woods, trying to put distance between myself and the other campers. I had lost Rose in the mad rush at the beginning, so I was all alone when Grace approached me.

"Hey Cath!" She called. "Bet you can't catch me!" She started running away. I started running in the other direction. I could recognize a trap when I saw one. Unfortunately, I burst into an opening full of campers. I crouched down and tried to fade into the background.

"Come on Cath!" Grace yelled. "Come and get me!" Rage bubbled up inside of me. What was her deal? If I wanted to get her, I could knock her out with the flick of my hand. But I couldn't show anything just yet. I had to wait.

"Why don't you get me Cath? Are you too scared? Why are you hiding?" Grace taunted. I kept my cool. "Come on, show me what you got. What are you hiding Catherine? Too afraid to show me?" A horn echoed throughout the woods. That signaled the actual start the game. I waited, crouched in a bush, while the campers all left the clearing, running off to either defend their flag or try to steal the other team's flag. Grace and I were the only ones left.

Grace was now looking in the bushes. "Catherine!" Her voice rang out in a sing song. "Come out and play!" Suddenly I jumped up, surprising Grace. I stuck out my hand and blasted her with freezing water. She was knocked over backwards, unconscious. I quickly dragged her out of the clearing and stashed her near some shrubs. Slowly, I made the plants around her overgrow, covering her completely.

I smirked. "I win! Night-night Grace!" I exclaimed and ran off. I wondered how Grace liked her little game now. I raced through the forest, running towards my team's base. I had been assigned to go and try to steal the flag, but I wanted this game to be over as soon as possible. If I could secretly help the other team get the flag, that would end the whole ordeal. Our flag was on top of the highest tree we could find, surrounded by guards. We went for more of a security route rather than secrecy. As I approached the flag, I could see that the other side hadn't yet overpowered our defenses, but they were getting close. If only I could help them a little...

I quickly made one guard trip over a rock and another run into a tree. That left a clear path for anyone on the other team that spotted it. None other than Annabeth Chase saw the gap. She sprinted through and started climbing the tree. Her teammates protected her the best that they could by deflecting enemy blows. Triumphantly, Annabeth snatched the flag and waved in it the air. The horn sounded, signaling the end of the game. Annabeth jumped down to celebrate with the rest of her team. I quietly stalked away, joining the group of defeated campers that were exiting the forest.

Should I go back and get Grace? I asked myself, feeling guilty. I reprimanded myself. She deserved whatever she got. Besides, what was coming next would result in many lives lost. It was insignificant if one girl's life was lost before the big battle. I had to think about my next move. I had to take out Targets 2-8. Once they were under control, I could reign over the camp and, eventually, over the gods and the mortals. Soon, all of the world would bow to me. At my side, my parents would be so proud. Everything would be mine.

I had to find Rose. I hadn't seen her for the whole game. She was an essential part of the plan, even if she didn't know it. The game was starting. And I was ready to play. I whispered to myself, "Start your engines."

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