Cath Is a Meanie

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Grace's POV

"The guarding has mainly been going smoothly, but the guards on the southern border still say that if they were attacked, the attackers would make it into camp. They need more guards."

    "We can give them that as soon as the reinforcements come in. Any word from them?" I asked. Somehow, I had risen as one of the leaders of this new resistance group. And it was hard.

    Glen, another one of the leaders, shook his head. "No word. But if we do get some, you'll be the first to know it."

    "Okay, okay." I tugged on my hair, a nervous habit. "Tell the guards that we'll try to get them some more people, but we're already stretched thin as it is, so they may have to just make do. I'll go over there myself and do some guard work."

    "Grace, we both know that you're much more valuable elsewhere. And what's even more important is that you don't burn yourself out. Why don't you just take a break and-"

    "No," I cut in. "I'm fine. Why don't you," I racked my brain for a task, "go and check on how the Athena cabin rebuilding is going?" Glen nodded and walked off. I took a deep breath, preparing myself. I had my own task to do.

"Rose," I called, walking into the stone prison. It was small and had been constructed, magically, of course, at the last minute. Her face looked dull as she looked up at me. I cringed involuntarily. I had done this to her. "Why don't we go out and get you some sunshine? I have a job for the two of us." Rose nodded solemnly and I unlocked her cell door. I was nervous that she would bolt, but she looked too worn out for it.

I led her outside and towards a shady part of camp. I wanted to have privacy. Rose stretched out her arms, soaking in the sunlight.

"So, what do you need me to do?" Rose questioned.

"Well," I lowered my voice, "I wanted to try to contact Cath." I paused, expecting her to protest. She just stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "We're going to Iris Message her and hopefully, she'll talk to us." I had chosen this day to contact Cath for a reason. A rainbow was shining in the sky. I had never cast an Iris Message before so I wasn't sure if I was doing everything right, but I tried to represent the picture of the confident leader.

I took out a golden drachma. Throwing the drachma, I chanted, "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering." I concentrated. Malcolm had said that the next step was to say the person you were trying to reach and their location. "Cath, um, somewhere in the woods?" I hoped that was good enough. Suddenly, Cath's face appeared in front of us.

A look of shock played out across her features, but she quickly rearranged it into a smirk. "I was expecting you to call."

    "Listen, Cath. We need to talk to you. Why are you doing this?" I asked. Rose stayed silent.

    She twirled her hair, smiling. "I thought I already explained myself to Rose. What, do you need me to clarify?" She fluttered her eyelashes innocently. Gosh, she infuriated me.

    I huffed, "Fine, if you want to act like that, then you should know that your little game won't last for long. We have armies beyond your imagination and we will hunt you down and find you. Shouldn't the fact that we were able to reach you by Iris Message show you that we are more powerful than you?" It was strategy. A little bit of lies to intimidate the enemy wasn't going to hurt anything.

    Cath, to my rage, snorted. "Grace, who are you fooling? I know that no one is coming to help you and your "army". You are aware, of course, that even a scrap of my power will send your resistance to shreds. I just keep you all around cause I think it's adorable, what you're doing. You're fighting a losing battle. Fortunately enough for you, I am prepared to spare you. I'm no monster. Just come over to my side, help me, and you will live. Deal?"

Rose was still as quiet as a mouth. I grit my teeth and spat out, "I will never, ever be on your side. You disgust me. I should've killed you in your sleep, Catherine."

    Cath stuck out her bottom lip, pouting. "Oh Grace, I knew you were always too prideful to accept defeat. But my offer still stands for Rose. Rose, do you want to spend this war on her side or mine? I've been with you forever. You would be my second in command and we will live in luxury, cutting down anyone that would come in our way. And her? She treats you like a traitor. Like a prisoner. She starves you and leaves you in a dark prison all alone. Are you going to support her? Come to my side, Rose, and everything can go back to how it was. Come."

    Rose looked conflicted, so I jumped in. "Rose, you know she's lying. As a matter of fact, I hereby declare you a member of The Resistance. You are no longer a prisoner. As for Cath, she's the one that's a traitor. She betrayed Camp Half Blood and she will die for it."

    Cath shot back a reply immediately. "If you're going to do name calling, then I can say that you're the traitor. We were friends Grace, and look what you've done to me. Besides, how can I be a traitor to Camp Half Blood if I was never loyal to it?"

    I opened my mouth to talk, anger rushing through my veins, when Rose reached out and slashed her hand through Cath's face. Cath disappeared. "I'm done with this talking," Rose stated. "This is not solving anything. No more words. It's time for war."

Hey peeps! For now, this is the end of this story. Book 1 of The Traitor series has concluded. Watch out for book 2, coming to a Wattpad account near you.....

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