I Get Classified as A Hurricane

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Catherine's POV:

I had them all. I felt like rubbing my hands together and cackling evilly. But not really. That was stupid.

"Percy Jackson," I sang, walking up to his limp body. "You're a big big hero, aren't cha? But look where you are now. This is what happens when little demigods step out of line." I looked into his sea green eyes. A small pang of regret pounded in my heart. A panic attack ensued. WHY AM I DOING THIS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I'M A MURDERER AND A CRIMINAL AND I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON. Then, another voice creeped into my mind.

Dear, child, this is not a tragedy. This is amazing. We're going to take revenge on everyone that has done us wrong. Just make sure that you leave these seven to me

"Yes, Mother," I said. I was to wreak havoc on whatever I wanted, but leave The Seven to Mother. She wanted revenge. I wanted revenge too, but Mother would be terribly angry if I spoiled her moment of victory. The voice in my head spoke again

You have done well, child. You have completely conquered this, camp, or whatever it is. Everything has gone perfectly, but I think we need to add a little something. That girl, what's her name, Rose? She could be useful. Call her in and offer an alliance to her. She can be your, ah, how do you say it? Second in command. Every great ruler has an army behind them. Might as well start your recruitments.

"Of course, Mother" I said. I concentrated, willing the earth to amplify my voice to the noise level of a mountain moving.

"Campers of Camp Cath!" I called. "Send Rose of the Hermes Cabin to the edge of the woods or there will be severe consequences. You have 10 minutes." I let my power stop, feeling tired. I had been working very hard to keep up my stamina while using my powers, but I still was drained sometimes.

"Gia!" I called, whistling. My little golden retriever appeared. I'd had her for years and she always appeared when I called her. I was pretty sure by now that she was immortal, due to the fact that she hadn't grown at all. "Can you go and find Rose? She has brown hair and brown eyes. She'll be waiting in the camp by the forest. Bring her back her, okay? Go, Gia!"

Gia bounded off. I paced the room, nervous. What was I going to say to Rose? Would she be furious? Would she try to kill me? I checked to make sure that the bodies of the seven were out of sight. It isn't necessarily a good pitch start when the person that you're pitching to has their idols lying unconscious on the floor next to them.

Finally, Gia came back, accompanied by Rose. I bent down to pet Gia. Part of me knew that I was just doing this to avoid facing Rose, but I ignored it. "You did a very very good job, Gia! I love you!" Gia gave me an affectionate lick on the cheek before bounding away. I immediately wiped it off. I loved my dog, but I wasn't about to walk around with dog slobber all over my face. I braced myself, turned around, and started to speak. "Rose-" Rose burst into tears. She covered her face with her hands as her shoulders shook with sobs. "Rose, oh Rose." I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She shied away from my touch.

"Don't touch me!" she cried.

Hurt, I explained, "Rose, I was just trying to-"

"No, don't even say anything, Cath," Rose said, wiping tears off of her red face. "How could you have done this? You were my best friend, the only person that I could trust and now, this." She gestured around the room. "Why, why did you do this? Why did you do this to the camp and why did you do this to yourself and why are you doing this to me?"

I had had a speech prepared for when Rose asked me why I was doing this, though I wasn't even completely sure myself. One minute I'm a supervillain, plotting the death of so many people and the next I'd be playing with my dog. With every decision I made, I was battling myself, winning and losing. I swallowed and made my prepared speech, "Sometimes I don't want to, Rose, but you have to believe me when I say it's in my blood. I was meant to be this way and there is nothing that I can do to fix it. I'm just, I don't know, broken." I sniffled.

Rose ran up to me and took my hands. A gleam of hope was in her eyes. My stomach turned over. "Then don't do this. It's not too late to fix everything. Come back to camp and bring the captured campers with you. Just apologize and everything can go back to normal. I know it'll take some time, but-"

"No," I said, flinging my hands away from her. "I don't think you understand. I can't run away from this because this is my destiny. And I will rise up and destroy anything that's in my path. If you're on the front line, you'll be the first to go. I don't want that to happen."

"Catherine, look at me." Rose said, calmly. I raised my head so that my hazel eyes looked into her brown ones. We really did look similar, almost like we could be sisters. Mother wanted me to use this to my advantage and I had to, but I personally saw it as our bond. Something binding us forever. At the very least, no matter what I did, that couldn't be changed. "You are so much more than somebody's daughter. When we're at camp, our parents are so important. Daughter of Zeus, Daughter of Demeter, whatever. But you are so much more. So you're the daughter of," she shuddered, "the daughter of Gaea and Tartarus. But that doesn't mean that you don't get a choice. Be your own person and, I don't know, go out there and make the world great. Be yourself, not your parents," Rose finished.

"Rose. My life has always been my parents. I am my parents' daughter and nothing I do can change that, so I might as well play the part," I smiled weakly. I had to get to the whole reason I had called Rose here. "So I was wondering if you wanted to join me."

"Join you in what?" She asked, confused.

"Be my partner, my-" I tried to shake the tears out of my eyes. My voice broke off. I couldn't do this. Me, my future was set in stone. I had painted myself as a villain and you can't erase paint. Believe me, I've tried. But Rose, she still had a chance. And I was certainly not going to be the one that brought Rose down. I couldn't bear to be the one that made her like me. Mother would be so very angry, but I couldn't go through with it. I couldn't go through with hurting Rose. She was my weakness, but I had to make sure she was save. "Go, Rose. Run. Go back to camp or leave camp just, stay away from me where you're safe."

"Come with me. We can run away together, run from everything. It'll be just like the old days. You can even bring that adorable puppy of yours." Rose pleaded, hopefully.

"I can't run. It's too late. But you have time. Get away from here and give yourself a chance at something more than all of this." I was not going to change my mind.

Rose started, "Only if you come-"

"NO!" I screamed. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY. YOU NEED TO RUN AND GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I HURT YOU, BEFORE I, BEFORE I-" I started to cry. Rose hugged me, but I slapped her arm away. "Go," I whispered, hoarse.  

"I'll leave, but remember this Cath. Whatever happens, I'll be with you and I'll be forever on your side. I will not let you do this to yourself. I swear on the River Styx." Rose said, solemnly. She bolted afterwards. She must've known that I would have told her not to make that vow, to take it back. I shook my head. This was all my fault. I was doing this to her.

She was Rose, the delicate, pure, and beautiful flower. I was Cath, the destroyer, the natural disaster. Something so delicate can't survive around something so horrifyingly terrible. We couldn't be friends. She was the flower. I was the hurricane. And she had to get out of my way before I destroyed her. My only worry was that it might be too late. The storm was upon us and there was no time left to evacuate. All that was left to do was to hope.

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