Part 1

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I sat quietly next to Kat and Marissa at the very same table we claimed every lunch. I messily poured out my Bio 11 text book with loose papers instead of my lunch. Kat gave me a questionable glare, hinting for me to eat. I pretended I didn't see her look and pulled out my pencil, tapping it lightly against the table as I studied word for word listening in on Marissa's story.

"You will never believe who talked to me today!" She cheered, leaning onto the table, catching my attention. "Come on guess!"

"Hmmm Carrie Underwood!?" I joked, not into the conversation as I should be.

"No. Even better. Jace Winter." She stated. Breaking between his two names.

"JACE WINTER!???" I yell, a little too loudly, catching the whole cafeteria's attention, including Jace and his 'possy'. The tall muscular boy glared at me, the glare that he was most recognized for. His eyes squinted and his stare burned my skin causing me to hide my face in my text book.

"Calm down, Jesus he heard you!!!" Kat said, whispering while she took another bite of her sandwich. "Oh my god. He's coming over here. Oh no. Riley you're gonna die. I love you. I call your laptop."

"Shut up Kat." I snap, "Maybe he's not coming to us, I mean he doesn't even know Me."

"Ri, you screamed his name. Look." Kat quietly coughed signaling for me to look up. I brought my gaze slowly up from my text book, connecting eyes with the boy.

"I prefer if you keep your love confessions to a lower level, I'd rather not know about your creepy obsession with me." Jace said, staring harshly down on to me. His long dark hair fell messily onto his face, his green orbs failed to blink.

"I- I" I stuttered, about to pee my pants.

"Jace. Hi, I'm Marissa, you know from English? Yeah hi! Uhm i was just telling her about how you picked up my pencil because it was such a nice deed, and she just has horrible hearing and was confirming what I said, but terribly, terribly loud. I apologize if-"

"Shut the hell up Marcia."

"Marissa actua-" Marissa chimed in

"I really don't care." Jace snapped back, keeping his gaze on me. "Just keep your love conversation down a bit okay?" He turned to leave,

"No problem with that..." I muttered, Jace quickly spun around and pointed at me, staying silent. He walked away without another word.

"You are an idiot." Marissa stated the obvious, "God Riley you gotta keep your mouth shut!"

"Says the girl who totally wouldn't shut up when Jace stepped over here!" Kat joked.

"I- I think I'm gonna go, before I embarrass myself further." I packed up my things and headed out of the cafeteria with my head down.

"Hey you!" I stopped dead in my tracks. The familiar voice came closer making my heart race. I lifted my head up to see Jace standing only inches away from me. Up close it was easy to see the scars from all the fights he's been in. Scrapes and bruises also appeared on his face. I wondered how many fights he's been in, and how they even started. "Stop shaking, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Wh- What?" I stuttered, staring down at my shoes.

"I didn't catch your name." What!? Jace... Wants to know my name?

"Why do you want to know? You couldn't care less about Marissa."

"That's because I didn't scare her. I like you. You make me feel in control." The rugged boy inched closer to me. "I like being in control."

"That's nice" I watch as his feet touched mine, still watching the ground, i knew that if I looked up he would win.

"So? Your name?"

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder." I spun around and ran away from the boy without looking back. I didn't need to look back to know that he was angry that I left and he lost.

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