Part 17

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Jace stood behind me in the mirror. I completed the finishing touch of my mascara and watched his reflection. He slowly pulled out the elastic in my hair and combed his fingers through the dark mess. Tingles went through my spine every time his fingertips brushed slightly against my neck. "That's much better." He whispered into my ear, his voice raspy.

"You should consider starting up a hair dressing salon." I joked, turning around to face him when he was finished.

"Hmmmm, I'd have to think about that one." He winked, "are you ready?"

"Just let me brush my teeth!" I rushed, jogging out of my room and into the bathroom. I left my phone on my bed, and when I returned it was in Jace's hands, "you better not find about my other boyfriend." I laughed watching Jace's eyebrow raise.

"Very funny. I didn't know you were back in touch with your dad?"

"Oh yeah, he came to the funeral." My chest burned, he wasn't supposed to know... Not yet at least.

"That must have been nice." Jace smiled, trying to get one out of me. I struggled to put a grin on my face.

"Yes very, I've missed him." I wanted to punch myself in the face, why was I making this so awkward?

"He texted you, seeing if you have considered his deal?"


"What's the deal?" Jace asked, suspicion filled his voice.

"To move in with him."

"Isn't he like a big movie producer in California?" Jace sat on my bed, and I joined him.

"Yeah, but I don't know, I love it here... with you." I sighed, grabbing Jace's hand, "But that would be in the fall, I'm here to bug you for a very long time." I assured.

"Good." Jace stood up abruptly and pulled me up with him, "Let's go, I'm tired of this negativity."

"Where are we exactly going?" I giggled, following him out the door to his Audi.

"Shut up I like this song." He grinned, twisting the volume knob on his radio. "CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOOOOON!" He shouted, I tried not to laugh at his cracky singing voice, "THERE'LL BE PEACE WHEN YOU ARE DOOONE. LAY YOUR WEARY HEAD TO REEEST!"

"DON'T YOU CRY NO MORE." I pitched in, and automatically began to jam out with the guitar. Jace burst out laughing at my air guitar.

"How did I ever think you were a normal girl?" He managed to ask between breaths of laughter.

"I'm pretty good at first impressions." I wiggled my eye brows. I immediately choked on my laughter when Jace attempted the long "No more". "You actually look like a good singer, but god damn do you ever suck."

"Hey, I am an exceptional singer." He protested, carrying on with the song.

"You wish." I teased, turning the radio back down when the song finished, "Where are we going?" I asked once again. The windshield wipers rapidly swiped back and forth, trying to keep the snowflakes from getting in our way of sight. It was a beautiful winter day, a little chilly, but absolutely beautiful.

"We're going to my house."


"Because I want to build a snowman." I couldn't help but to let laughter escape from my mouth.

"You want to build a snowman?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Or snowwoman, snow cat It doesn't matter." He stayed dead serious. How was I ever frightened of this boy?

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