Chapter 7

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Slowly the seats start filling up, the whole school is coming to hear people talk about me and to honor my life. All 11 chairs are full, Dawn has come to talk, even though she doesn't go to school here. Once the theater is full, The principal gets up on stage and silences the theater.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Black Hills High School, the home of the wolves, we have gathered here today to celebrate the life of Hazel Rose Williams. Hazel, as you may already know, was a 17 year old girl, about to turn 18 in the next couple of weeks, a senior at that. As you may already know, she has passed away this past Saturday, but you probably don't exactly know how. From what I've been told, her and her best friend Bella, were dancing on the top of a staircase here at school on the night of prom, probably having a great time with her friend, I'm not sure why they didn't just dance in the gym but Bella here may explain why, but she accidentally flipped over that railing and fell 2 stories down, a lot of damage was done to her brain and she passed away. Here I have sitting by the stage, people who were close to Hazel, that would like to share a few words about Hazel." she said. "Please welcome to the stage, Mr and Mrs Williams". The students clapped and my parents walked up onto the stage. I'm sitting in the aisle in the center of the room, watching and paying close attention to everyone onstage. 

"Hello everyone" started my mom "As you know our daughter passed away this week. She was our first born. I remember the first time I held her, so much joy was brought to me. She made me so happy, I would have never wished for anyone other than her." she said "Hazel was such a happy girl" continued my father "there was never a time I didn't see a smile on her face, other than when I would catch her stealing chocolate chips from the kitchen" my dad added. The whole school let out a little giggle. My dad would always find a way to put a smile on people's faces, even at a time like this. "Oh dad" I said "you were the reason I always had a smile on my face" I say, tears threatening to spill. "Her smile shined on all of us and it made our whole family a whole lot happier, and because Hazel shined her light on us, we aren't going to be depressed, we are going to celebrate her life, celebrate the life of Haze Rose Williams" said my dad "Hazel wouldn't want us to be sad, she would want us to stop our life because hers came to an end. She'd want us to be happy" continued my mother "Hazel had a wonderful life, it did indeed end to soon but she isn't gone completely, we all still have memories of her, just look around this room, the memories of Hazel will live forever, she will always be here" said my mother, pointing to her chest "In our hearts". My parents finished their little speech and walked off the stage.

Ivy came up on stage next. "Hi everyone, for those who don't know me I'm Hazel's younger sister, the middle child. My name is Ivy and I'm in 9th grade here at Black Hills High. Hazel was my favourite person, she was always there for me, cheering me on and helping me stand up after a hard fall. No matter what I would do she would be proud of me, no matter how small the deed, she would always be so proud. Hazel was the one who told me not to give up on my dream, she is the reason I still perform. I love to be on stage, I love to sing, dance and act. Once I took a hard hit and Hazel was the one who told me to keep going, even when I wanted to give up, and now, this summer, I have a shot to audition for Broadway. It's all thanks to Hazel. If Hazel wasn't around to help me stand back up, I wouldn't have that chance. Hazel, thank you for everything you have done for me, you helped me follow my dream, you care for me so much, I wish you never left. I'm gonna miss you Hazel, I love you" said Ivy. Tears have started running down my cheeks, I wish I could go with Ivy to watch her on Broadway, I know she'll make it.

Next, Dawn came up on stage. "Hello, I'm Dawn, Hazel's youngest sister, I don't actually go to school here, I'm currently in grade 6, but I left school to come here to talk about Hazel because she is so important to me." she paused. "Hazel is one of the most determined people you will ever meet, there was one time, she signed up for a short film contest, she signed up kind of late so she only had 48 hours to make a short film, she worked so hard on this film, even when she thought she couldn't do it, she kept trying and guess what, because of all her determination, she won. That was one of the moments I wanted to be like her. I wanted to follow Hazels foot steps and be like her. I want to grow up to be such a determined person. Hazel," said Dawn looking to the ceiling, "thank you so much for helping me grow and walking me in the right direction, I want to be just like you" she finished. Dawn walked off the stage and I look around the gym, the speech that my eleven year old sister just did has the whole gym in tears. I'm proud of you, Dawn.

My teachers come up next, they all rave about how I was a great student and an excellent runner and all that jazz. But they weren't as touching as my family. Next, Josh comes up.

"Hi there, you may or may not know that Hazel was my girlfriend, I took her to Prom, but the best night of high school turned out to be my worst. I lost the one I loved. I lost my Hazel. She was the one that lit up my world. I'm not a fan of school but I'd walk in here with a smile on my face because I know I will see Hazel. She was the reason I had a smile on my face, and even when there wasn't one, she'd find a way to make one appear. I love her. It was my worst nightmare finding out she was gone. She was the one, but now she's gone. I love you Hazel" he said, and walked off. "I love you too Josh" I said. After Josh, Mrs. Graham talked, she talked about how I gave her back her daughter after her husbands death, and she couldn't have wished for a better friend for her daughter.

Finally, Bella came up on stage, she is the last one to talk, she seemed quite scared. I wonder why. "So, you're all probably sick of people talking about Hazel, well, I promise you the assembly is almost over." she started, forcing a smile. "Hazel was my best friend, she got me through the death of my father, and she stayed by side side the whole ride. No matter how much of a mess I became, but now I lost my best friend, and I don't have anyone to lean on." she takes a deep breath and continues "before I continue, I just want to say, Hazel, I hope you forgive me, I was awful to you that night, no matter how many times I apologize, nothing I say will heal the hearts of the people that are close to you, not even mine, I will never forgive myself, my life will never be the same without you, you where my rock, and now I'm trying to stand without any support and let me tell you, boy is it hard" Bella looks out to the audience, "Now, you must all be confused, Bella, what do you mean you were awful to her, why are you sorry, it's not your fault. Well, the story you were told was not true." she says. Bella, what are you doing? "The truth is, we weren't dancing on the stairwell, we were arguing. I was mad, I was dumped and lost and confused, I took my anger out on Hazel. She was trying to knock some sense into me, but I lost it. I was so mad at her, at the world. I was so mad I couldn't control myself." she paused, biting her lip, "was her death an accident? Yes and no, it wasn't supposed to happen, I never meant for it to happen, but she didn't just fall. I pushed her. She was holding onto my wrist and I pushed her back, not noticing the railing behind her, she flipped over it and fell. Once I saw her fall, all the sense was knocked into me, but it was to late. She hit the ground two stories down, and so much damage was done to her head, she died. Right there in front of me" Tears fall down her cheeks "By best friend dies Saturday night, and it was all my fault" she finished. Everyone sat there is shock. I look around the room horrified, Bella basically just admitted to murder. "Bella, what have you done" I said in horror.

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