Chapter 14

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Everything went blurry as the train sped before me. I felt dizzy. My whole world started spinning. All I heard was the train swoosh in front of me and the leaves spinning in the air before I fell to the ground and my whole world went black.

Beep! Beep! Beep! That was the first thing I heard. I couldn't open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't open. I heard movement all around me, and people whispering. I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. Suddenly, the space around me gets very quiet, I hear something like a door close. I thin whoever was here left. Something grabs my hand, it's warm and comforting. I've felt it before. The flashback of my first date with Josh hits me and a recognize what's holding me. It's Josh. I get a sudden burst of energy and I squeeze his hand slightly. I feel his grip loosen a bit and he calls my name. "Hazel?" he asks. I want to wake up! I try so hard but I can't open my eyes, no matter how hard I try. I use every last bit of energy I have and my eyes flutter open. Everything is blurry at first and my head spins. I look over to my right and see Josh looking at me. "Hazel" he whispers. Tears are building up in his eyes but there's a smile on his face. "Hi" I say. He wraps me up in his arms and hold me for what feels like eternity. "I was so worried you would never wake up" he said. "I love you, Hazel". "I love you too" I answer. Once he pulled away I looked around the room, obviously I was in a hospital room. There were pictures of me and my friends and family all around the room, on the walls, on the door and on every table surface there was. I was hooked up to tons of machines. "How long was I out?" I asked Josh. "6 days" he answered. I exhale, that is quite a while. "Do I have any other injuries?" I ask. "You broke a couple rids and fractured your foot. Obviously you injured your head but that's getting better since you woke up" he said. "Okay" I answer. "Where's my family?" I ask, and then I remember, "Josh, where's Bella?" I ask. "She tried to commit suicide, she jump in front of a train, but she jumped to far out and the train only hut her foot, she has a pretty bad broken leg, she's in a wheel chair but she's alive, she's resting in another section here at the hospital, she should come when she wakes up" he said. I sigh, she's alive. So I guess what I saw was real, everything was real. I didn't miss anything after all, I was there with them, but not physically, just in spirit. "And your family went to get lunch, they should be back up soon" he said. "Okay" I answer. "I'm just going to call the nurse, she told me to call if you ever woke up" he said. He walked away and got the nurse. A middle aged woman walked in, she had brown hair and brown eyes. "Hi Hazel, I'm Dr. Sinclair" she said. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "I'm okay I think, a bit of a headache but other than that I don't feel any pain" I say. "Alright, that's good" she said. "If something doesn't feel right, just call for me" she said and left. "Do you want anything ti drink?" asked Josh. "Yes please" I said. He left the room, and shortly returned with a glass of water. He help it to my lips while I drank it. "Thank you" I said when I was finished. About 20 minutes later, my family entered the room. Once my mom saw me she ran to me and help me in a tight hug. Everyone else walked over with huge smiles on their faces, everyone hugged me and told me how much they we're worried about me and how they missed me. They stayed for a bit and we talked and told me everything that happened while I was in the coma, but I knew what happened already, I didn't miss anything. They left the room a couple hours later to let me rest. I couldn't sleep so I looked around the room, I noticed on my bedside table a black notebook with my name on the front. I picked it up and opened it. Inside, there was a page from my family, my friends, my classmates, my teachers, everyone in my life, they all wrote a page about me. I read through the whole thing, tears stinging at my eyes, I was so happy to read everything they said to me. I closed the notebook and took a deep breath, the only person that wasn't in this notebook was Bella.

I sighed, where was she. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. "Come in" I called. The first thing I saw was a wheelchair. A girl with a cast on her leg wheeled in. "Hazel?" she asked. "Bella" I said, tear sin my eyes. She came over to me as fast as she could and hugged me in a tight bear hug. "Oh Hazel, I'm so sorry" she said. "I know, but you're still my best friend, nothing in the world will ever change that" I said. She stayed with me for a while and we talked. I love her so much. "Oh, so I know you've probably read that notebook" she started, "Yeah I did" I said, "And I didn't write anything in there" she said. "But, that's because I did this" she said, handing me a scrapbook. I take it from her and look through it, there are pictures of us from when we were nine all the way to where we are today, there are small paragraphs about our friendship on each page. I look through it in awe. "Bella, I love it" I said. "I'm glad" she says. She stayed with me the whole night, we caught up on everything and we talked like we've never been closer. I love this girl, not matter what, she will always be my sister, by choice.

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