Chapter 11

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Ivy was amazing, she has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard and she was outstanding during the musical. It is now towards the end of the production, the beast was just injured by Gaston...

"You came back" said the beast. "Of course I did, I couldn't let them... This is all my fault, I should've gotten here sooner",  "Maybe it's better this way", "No, don't think like that, everything is going to be okay", "At least I got to see you one last time" said the beast, Ivy looked at him, shocked, tears filled her eyes and she cried, "No, No, No, please come back, I love you". Ivy was amazing, I never realized she was this good at acting. I'm so proud of her. Lights flash and smoke fills the stage and when everything clears, the beast has turned into a man. "Belle! It's me!" "It is you" she says. And they kiss. Lights flash and they share a very passionate kiss. They chorus sings in the background and they main characters come out as people, not objects anymore. The Prince and Bella dance together and they do the final number and the theater goes to black. Everyone stands up and cheers. That was amazing, Ivy was outstanding! The cast comes back onstage and they all bow, this time I can see who plays the beast, he has brown hair, blue eyes and freckles, he seems really sweet. Once the cast leaves we go to the lobby and wait, Ivy come out smiling. "You were amazing sweetheart" said my mother, "Thank you" answered Ivy. They had her flowers and my mother takes a picture of her. "Oh, mom, I'd like you to meet someone" she runs off and comes back with the boy who plays the beast. "This is Logan, he played the beast" she says, introducing him. "Nice to meet you Logan" says my mother. Hi, it's nice to meet you as well" he says. "You were amazing, the two of you" says my father. "Thank you" he answered. Suddenly this man in a suit comes up to them and says "Were the two of you the beauty and the beast?" "yes" answered Ivy. "I'm Dave, I work for an agency and I was wondering if you two would like to sign with an agent, we would be more than happy to work with you two, you guys were outstanding" he says"I'm nit expecting you to make the decision right now, here's my number, if you're interested, give me a call." he says handing them his card. "Thank you so much" says Ivy, in shock. "Thank you" adds Logan. My mom and dad thank Dave and looks at Ivy, "Sweetie! that's amazing! Haven't you been looking for an agent?" she asks. "Yes, that was perfect!" she says. "I'm going to go share the news with my family, see you later Ivy" says Logan. "Bye" she says. I'm so happy for her, this is a huge step in her career. I wish I could still be around to celebrate with her.

My family goes out for dinner and celebrates Ivy's performance. They eat, laugh, and have a great time together. They get home at around 10:30 pm, Ivy goes on her computer sand pulls out the card from the agent. She goes online and does tons of research on the agency, after a couple of hours, she closes her computer and goes to bed. The next morning, she wakes up and looks at her phone, I notice she has a text, its from Logan.

Logan: Are you going to sign with the agent?

Ivy: I think so

Logan: Me too

She gets ready for school and walks down starts. "Morning mom" she says. "Good Morning". "Mom, I'm going to do a little more research today about the agency but at the moment, I want to sign with them" she says, "That's amazing honey, it's up to you what you want to do, I think you should, it's a great opportunity" answers my mom. Ivy runs upstairs to get ready for school. I decide to go back to Josh's house to see how everything is over there. I get there quickly but nothing interesting is happening. Everyone is just getting ready for the day. So I decide to go on a little walk. I walk over to the stream and dip my feet in the water. It's so refreshing. I sit there for a while and just think about the past week. I still can't believe that this is it. I'm gone, no one is ever going to see me again. I'm dead, just watching over them. They can't see me, hear me or feel me. I'm just there.
"Hazel" whispers a voice. I jump. Where is that coming from? "Hazel, I need you".
Again, none of the Beauty and the Beast parts belong to me.

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