Chapter One: Your a Witch!

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   I woke up to my alarm clock driving me insane. My hand hit the snooze button as I slipped out of bed. Today was the day I started Wizard Academy! Quickly, I ran downstairs and hopped in the shower. The warm water felt really good on my skin. I got out of the steaming hot shower, and put on my clothes and hat.
I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast off the kitchen table. My bag was at the door, waiting for me to pick it up. My mom came downstairs. "Aren't you going to give me a kiss before you go?" She said to me. "Ok, fine." I replied ready to go to the academy. I told her bye, and rushed out the door, still crunching my toast. The Enchanted Bus, came to a stop. My foot stepped in, then the rest of me.
"Welcome aboard, Selena!" The driver shouted into his mic. I tried to find more eleven year olds but I only came across one. "Can I sit here?" I asked shaking. "Sure, nobody else is.." She answered. "Okay, I'll sit down I guess." I said while she scooted more toward the window. The bus took off. "So what's your name?" I asked. "My name is Kylie." She answered. "Okay.. cool! My name is Selena." I told her. "Cool.." She replied looking kinda nervous. I grabbed my bag off the floor of the bus. My hand started searching for things. I found my phone.
   The screen unlocked. I tapped on the game titled, "Farows Magic". It taught you how to do spells and all that crap. I knew it didn't really work though. "What are you playing?" Kylie asked. "Oh! me.. I'm playing a game, well, a learning game, called Farows Magic." I answered. The bus stopped at the Magic Railroad (a train station). I was nervous if I would actually make it onto the train.
*30 minutes later*
The train pulled up and screeched the brakes. I hopped on. Kylie was behind me. The engine started. It screeched out of the station slowly. A cart strolled to my seat. "Would you like a frog-milk?" The lady asked. "Sure!" I answered. I pulled two dollars out of my bag, and gave it to her. "Thank you!" She said, while going down the aisle even further. I grabbed the straw and stuck it in the cup. I began to drink it. I could already tell I was going to love this.

Wizard Academy: Book One Where stories live. Discover now