Chapter Twelve: The Last Month

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   Everyone made it off the train and into the academy. Megan and I headed over to Fin's room, to give him a gift from Duckon Place. I opened the door handle to his room. He was studying over some spells we had learned a while back. "Hey Selena, Hey Megan!" He exclaimed, looking happy to see us.  "Hi!" We replied. "I bought you this." I said, lifting up the cloth. "Wow! A Wizard Wand Pro!" He yelled, excitedly. He hugged me. "Thank you so much!" He said. "Oh, you're welcome." I replied. "I can't believe Fin hugged me!" I exclaimed to myself.
   Megan and I walked from his room to ours. Headmistress Valarie walked in the room. "I called your mom and she said she's glad you're staying." She said. "Yes ma'am! I'm glad too!" I replied. "And also, you do not have detention because we found out what Kylie actually did." Valarie said. "Oh! Thank you so so much!" I replied. She shut the door as she left the room.
*8 months later*
Megan gathered her stuff from her closet. I did the same. Our stuff was in big cardboard boxes. I was sort of sad that this school year was ending. "So, are you excited about your second year?" Megan asked me. "Yeah, of course. I'm just sad that I have to go home!" I said. Megan gave a little chuckle. "Yeah. Me too." Megan replied.
   Fin came in our room. "Are you guys ready to leave for summer break?" He asked Megan and I. "No." we replied at the same time. "Yeah, me neither." He said. Fin sat down on my bed. He grabbed my wizard hat. "I'm gonna miss you in this Selena." Fin said smiling at the hat. I laughed silently. "Guys, you know we're not graduating. We'll be here next year." Megan said. "Yeah we know" Fin and I replied. "All students need to come outside with all of your belongings." The intercom blared over us. "Well, let's get going." I said.

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