Chapter Five: Mentor

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   I arrived in the nurses office, to get a bandage. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asked. "Well, I got scratched by a cat on my way to my dorm, so I just need a bandage." I answered. "Okay we can do that." She said. She grabbed a bandage and put it in my hand. "Thank you so much." I said as I was putting the bandage on the scratch.
   "Your welcome." She replied. I left her office and made my way down to the dormitory. Kylie and Megan were talking in Megan and I's dorm. I kept walking past, and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. "Hey Selena," Megan started, "We have to meet our mentor today." "Okay then, let me get ready." I replied brushing my hair. I started to curl my hair with the curling wand. "You look fine." Megan said while I was putting on my uniform, once again. "Well, I just want to look my best." I replied.
She went out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. I also went out of the bathroom and into the hallway of the dormitory. Megan and I walked into the school, and went to the fifth floor. I opened the door to room, 543. There was a women with blonde hair, a button-up top, and a skirt. "Take a seat." She said. "Yes mam." Megan and I replied. There was already about seven people on the room.
   I sat down in my chair. "Okay, so, today we are going to talk about your fears of the academy, seeing as it's your first." She said. "Oh! I almost forgot, my name is Mrs. Pollen." My hand rose into the air. "Yes, your fear young-lady?" Mrs. Pollen said sweetly. I started, "My fear is, The Dark Powers." "Oh! Dark Powers?" She replied nervously. "Yeah, like what do they do, do they use dark magic to commit crimes?" I asked. "Um...we'll talk about that some other time, okay." She answered. "Okay." I replied.
*30 mins later*
   "Mentor group, dismissed!" Mrs. Pollen shouted across the classroom. I got up from my chair, and went to the door. "Hello!" A boy said from behind. I turned around. "Hi." I said, while going into the hallway. "My name is, Fin." He told me." "Nice to meet you, I'm Selena." I replied. I kept going down the hallway, until I reached my dorm. He went the other way.

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