Chapter Nine: Trapped

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*The next morning*
I got up from my bed. Megan was already putting on her outfit. My feet stumbled into the bathroom. "Are you better Selena?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm good." I answered brushing my hair.
*45 minutes later*
   Megan and I headed down to the dining hall. The breakfast was a peach, pancakes, and orange juice. "Hey, I gotta go tell Professor Valarie something." I told Megan. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed. I pushed my seat from under me and started up the walkway.
   I approached her at the "Special Seats". "Professor Valarie, I..I...I wanted to say I'm leaving the academy." I poured out. "Oh! Um, okay. I'll get you a ride back, let's see.... In one week!" She responded. "Yes ma'am." I said. I stepped down to the walkway, and sat down in my seat.
   "What did you tell her?" Megan asked. "Uh, don't be mad but.... I'm leaving the academy." I answered. "HUH!!! YOUR MY ONLY FRIEND!" Megan freaked.
   "Sorry." I sighed. She turned her back. My head tilted downwards. I turners around to see Kylie laughing! She stuck up her hand and did the turn around symbol. I turned back to eat.
   My stomach turned upside down. I lay my head down on the dining hall table. I fell asleep.
*2 hours later*
   My eyes opened up. Darkness blinded me. I got up on my legs. I tried to walk. "THUNK!" My head hit a wall of some sort. I heard whispers from outside of wherever I was. I thought to myself, "A wall? Voices from outside? I must be in a closet trapped!" I dropped to the ground and looked for my wand. My hand felt a wooden like object. I picked it up.
"Diagniss." I whispered. A light flashed. I had found my wand! "Openallis." I whispered once more. The closet doors cracked open, just enough for me to see. I was in the dining hall closet! My eyes were shocked to what I saw! I saw Mrs. Goon, Kylie, and some other people! I pulled on the cracked doors as hard as possible but they wouldn't open. One of them probably put a seal spell on the closet! I couldn't believe I was trapped!

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