Chapter Six: Wizard Homecoming Pt.1

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   "Its Wizard Homecoming!" Megan shouted in the dorm hallway so that everyone could hear her. I let out a smile and thought about Fin for a minute. "I wonder if he'll ask me?" I thought to myself. My foot landed on the hardwood of my dorm room. I plopped down on my bed, dropping my school supplies.
   Fin was still in my head. "SELENA, WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING FOR DRESSES!!!!!!" Megan shouted in my ear. I laughed. "Ok,ok I'm coming." I replied. "YAY!" She exclaimed while we were walking out of our room. "So, where are we gonna shop for dresses at?" I asked Megan. "Well, we have, Ribbons and Bows, Outfits Emporium, Girly Girl Wizard, and finally, Silks and Threads." She listed. "I want to go to Ribbons and Bows." I said. "Oh! Really? Me too!" Megan said excitedly. "Then, let's go!" I shouted as we ran through the school.
*45 minutes later*
   "We're finally here." Megan said super exhaustedly. "Finally." I said sounding even more exhausted. We stepped into Ribbons and Bows. The dresses were so so pretty. "So Selena, what dress are you going to get?" Megan asked. "I don't know which one I want" I replied. "Ok, I'll go look around, you should too." Megan stated. "Got it!" I exclaimed.
*2 hours later*
   We finally picked out our dresses. Megan got a pastel blue dress, and I got a pink flowing gown. Megan and I went to the checkout up front. The cashier rang our dresses up. "That'll be eight hundred dollars." She said sounding bored. I hesitated. "Um, Megan do you have that much?" I asked stuttering. "Uhh, no..." She answered with a scared face. "Hey, can we like, pay it when we get enough money, but take it right now?" I asked the cashier. "No!" She said rudely. "This is bad." I thought to myself. I felt something touch my back. It was Fin! "I'll pay for it." He said. He handed the money to the cashier.
   "Thank you so so so much!!!!" We shouted at Fin so much his ears probably exploded. "No problem!" He replied. "So, I was gonna ask you Selena, do you want to go to homecoming with me?" He said nervously. I was freaking out inside. "Of course!" I yelled so loud that the whole store could probably hear me. "Ok, well, it's today so we need to hurry." Fin said anxiously.

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