Chapter Four: Classes

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I woke up and saw Megan, brushing her brown hair, in our bathroom. My feet hit the carpet, and I went into the bathroom. My hair was a big, huge, mess. I looked over at the clock, to see the time was seven-o-fiveAm! I grabbed a ponytail holder, and put my hair in a ponytail.
Then, I brushed my teeth, and put on my uniform, and grabbed my backpack. Megan was right in front of me. Juniper was squeaking in his cage. We exited the dormitory and went to the dining hall for breakfast. There was porridge on the table. Megan and I sat down next to each other, and started eating our food.
While I was eating, I grabbed my spell book and started reading it. The bell rung through out the academy. I gathered my things, and walked out of the dining hall. My first class was Spells, with Mrs. Goon. The room was on my right on the second floor. I walked up the stairs, and went to the right. There it was Spell Class, or, First Period.
   I put down my things at my desk, and sat down in my chair. Kylie and Megan were in this class with me. I let Juniper out of his cage, and he flew up on my shoulder. A small women with blond hair, blue eyes, and glasses, walked in the room.
   "Hello class!" Mrs. Goon said. "my name is Mrs. Goon, and I will be teaching Spells." I was so excited to learn the basics today. "So, today I would like you guys to open up to page five, in your spell book." Mrs. Goon demanded. My finger tips flipped through the pages to the assigned page. The title of the page was, "Light Spell: Lesson One of Seven". "Okay, now let's read the page." Mrs. Goon said. She called on a boy in the front. I followed along with the tip of my finger. He had read the page. "Okay, excellent job Caleb. So, what is the cause of a wand to produce light?" She asked the class. I raised my hand. "Yes, Selena." Mrs. Goon called to me. "What causes a wand to produce light is, the fibers of the wand heat up when you say a certain spell and light flashes out." I answered.
   "Great job Selena." She said writing down the answer on the sheet.
*6 hours later*
   Classes were over, but it was fun. Megan and Kylie were talking in front of me while we were heading to our dorm. I blew my hair over to the side to see that little man was coming toward me. I bent down and went to pet him. Suddenly, he jumped on me, and scratches me on the cheek. It hurt really bad. Megan came over and pulled him off of me. I got up and started down to the nurse.

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