Chapter Seven: Wizard Homecoming Pt.2

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*1 hour later*
We made it back to the academy and I was starting to get ready for homecoming. I put on my dress, makeup, and shoes. All I had left to put on was my shoes. "So, are you ready to leave" Megan asked me. "Yep, what about you?" I replied. "Yeah!" Megan exclaimed. I grabbed my wand, and got Juniper. We then, headed out the door of our dorm. Fin was standing outside of the dormitory. He put his arm through mine, and we walked. Megan was walking beside us smiling.
Voices from the dining hall were very loud. We walked to the party room. Classic music was blaring over the crowd. Fin grabbed my hand, and we started dancing. It felt magical, like a warm summer breeze. He spun me under his arm. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Kylie.
"Fin, I'm going to go talk to Kylie." I said. "Got it!" He said nicely. I walked over to where she was standing. I then saw a huge punch bowl over my head! It tilted and dropped. It was all over me! I looked over to see Kylie laughing with her wand. "What's the meaning of this Kylie?!" I screamed across at her. "I don't know, for laughs." She replied laughing. My mind told me to grab my wand and strike her, but my heart told me different. I did what my mind said. My hand griped the wand, and I got the sushi off the table. Then, I dropped it all on Kylie.
   "I see how it is!" She yelled. Her hand grabbed her wand, and she tried to zap me. Luckily I dodged it. Kylie then shot another zap at me. I jumped under a table. "If I can't get you, I'll get Megan!" Kylie screamed at me under the table. I immediately got out from under the table and grabbed my wand. I zapped Kylie from behind. She fell onto her face!
   I started laughing inside. "Boys and girls! We are picking Homecoming Wizards!" The speaker blasted. Kylie got up. She headed straight for Professor Valarie's office! I stood there, face red. Fin came over to me. "So, sorry about that." He said. "It's fine." I replied. "We have the results," the speaker said, "Your new Homecoming Witch and Homecoming Wizard is.... Megan Dragien and Austin Fraglias!" I couldn't believe Megan won!
   I felt a tap on my back. I turned to see Professor Valarie! "I would like to see you in my office." She said sternly. "Uh.. Yes ma'am." I replied, knowing what it was about.

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