Chapter Thirteen: A Romantic End of the Year

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   We grabbed our boxes and headed outside the academy. I saw cars pulling through the academy roads to pick up their child. Fin, Megan, and I stood together while waiting for our cars. "There's my car!" Megan pointed out. I frowned a bit. "Don't worry Selena I'll text you over the summer." Megan said as she shut the door of her car. "It'll be alright." Fin said to me. "Yeah I know. I'll just miss her." I replied. We both went silent.
   Headmistress Valarie walked our way. "Selena, you're a good kid, and I'll tell you that again next year. But I want give you this." She said while opening the box. "Huh! A purple crystal necklace!" I exclaimed. She smiled. Just like that she was gone. Fin grabbed it, and put it on me. "You look beautiful with that necklace." He complemented. I smiled. I saw my car pull up. I started to walk towards it. "Hey before you go." Fin said while spinning me around. Our lips pressed together, sealing a kiss. "Just in case we don't see each other again." Fin said. I bit my lip as I smiled. My feet carried me to the car. I jumped in, while waving by to Fin through the window. He waved back. I knew I had ended the year with something good, and was going to open the new year even better.

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