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Hayden's Pov

''What?'' George asked shocked as well.

''Yeah Carlos is my dad. And it seems yours too.'' I said.

''Are you kidding me? Is that true? I can't believe it.''

''Believe me neither did she.'' Michaela said for me. What a wicked game does life plays with me?

''Hayden I don't know what to say.''

''Funny, neither do I.''

''Guys you need to calm down. And figure the things out. Are you sure that you are not just pulling any prank at us? Because if you do I will cut you into little pieces and feed them to you.'' Michaela warned him and George laughed.

''Yes I am sure. I am not pranking anyone. I didn't even know that he had another kid.''

''I hope you're not. This past few weeks were extremely hard and this is going to end me once and for all.'' I told him and I took another sip from the glass.

''Do you think you can help me?'' George asked and I believed he was referring to me. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him.

''No idea. But I suppose I will help you because I have that feeling.'' I announced.

''I'm so happy. Thank you so much Hayden.'' George told and came to my direction and hugged me tightly and then turned me to face him.'' Do you know where he is?''

''Last time we spoke he was at Memphis.'' I informed him and he frowned in confusion. What did I say? '' What?''

''Last time you spoke? What's the suppose to mean?'' He questioned me confused and I sighed. I looked behind me and I saw Michaela was gone. Probably left us so we could speak about our shared father or whatever.

''Well my parents divorced six years ago and since then he left us and moved.'' I answered him and I heard him chuckling.

''Typical of him I see.'' He said and folded his arms in front of his chest.

''Yeah, I don't know. Well, he was never meant to be a father for anyone. In those five years we at least spoke five times and only saw him none. It's like he disappeared and whenever I called him he didn't answer.''

''Woah. I can't believe this man. He is so selfish.'' George groaned and I smiled weakly. I looked down at my heads and tried hard not to cry. I missed my dad but I hated at the same time. What had we done to him? Both me and George? If he didn't want kids why would he eventually have?

''Here, let me tell you what I just think. We will go there together and see him. We both need answers to a lot of things.'' I said and narrowed my eyes and George followed my example.

''Sure, we do.''

''I just need to find a person to keep Valentino.'' I bubbled more to myself but George heard me anyway.

''Who is Valentino?''

''My son.''

''Your what? You have a kid? How old are you?'' George asked shocked.

''Yeah, I do. I'm almost twenty. And how old are you?''

''Twenty five. And I can't believe it, you're young to have a kid. How old is he?''

''Almost two. I was pretty young when I had him. You know accident but a beautiful accident.''

''Bet he is.'' George smiled.'' I can't believe this day. I just found out I have a sister and a nephew. But I got to admit that I am not complaining.'' I smiled big at him and his words. I never had a sibling and I was always asking my parents for one and I didn't care if it was a girl or a boy, I just wanted one. Never got one but I always had my friends and then Derek came after my mom got married again and now I had one more and I couldn't but thank God.

''George I am happy to get to know you. Do you have any other siblings, relatives?'' I asked him and I turned my body to face him.'' Also, how did I forget this? Do you want anything to drink or eat?''

''Yeah, if it is possible I want water. My mouth dried from all the new information.''

''Of course.'' I said and got up from my sit and opened the fridge to pure him cold water. After I was done, I gave it to him and sat down again. I looked as George drank and moaned in satisfaction.

''Oh I needed this. Thanks.'' He said.'' So what are we going to do now? I can leave whenever you want. I'm free this week.''

''Well as soon as possible. I just need to find someone to keep Valentino. I don't want Michaela because I don't trust her much with my son.'' I thought about it a little and then it hit me. How stupid was I? Grayson, or Ethan. They could keep him and their mom would be there also if they needed help.'' Of course Gray.''

''Who is Gray?'' What a curious brother I had.

''Well Grayson is my ex and Valentino's dad.'' I answered softy and smiled at the mention of Grayson.'' They will be here soon.''

''That's amazing. I really want to thank you for doing this for me.'' George told me and I could say those were true words. I always helped people out and of course I would help my brother even I didn't know him that well.

''No problem at all. I just want to find answers and of course I just found out I have a brother and I would forever help him. I know the feeling at some point.'' I said truthfully and placed my hands on top of his. I smiled at him and just stared at his features.

He had dark brown hair like me, the same nose and the same eye line. The only difference is our eyes color, mine is green and he's are a bright hazel. We were so much alike. I supposed both look like our father.

''It means a lot thanks.''

''Sure. So you didn't answer me. Have any other siblings or relatives?''

''No, my mom never married again. And as far I know no.''

'' kInow the feeling. But I had my friends, they are so nice.''

''And beautiful.'' He trailed off and I understood what he meant.

''Yeah she is.''


''Michaela, she's beautiful. And single.'' I informed and winked at him. I saw a light blush on George's cheeks. I laughed at him, he was so sweet and cute. I was totally sure that he really liked her, I saw the way he was looking at her earlier and I got to admit that Michaela was pretty beautiful girl.

''I can't think about relationship just yet. First I want to see my father and then deal with my personal life.''

''Of course, I'm just saying.'' George didn't get the chance to say anything because the door bell rang. I frowned and looked at the clock. It was only seven and I didn't expect Grayson until eight. Was something wrong? I hope not.'' Excuse me.''

He nodded his head and I walked tot he door and opened it to reveal Grayson and Valentino looking back at me. Valentino smiled big at me and run to my open arms. I hugged him tightly and started kissing him everywhere. It was the first time we were apart and I missed him so much.

''Hey boys. Come in.'' I said and I stepped aside so Grayson could step also in. We hugged and I walked to the kitchen hearing Grayson's footsteps behind me, I had Valentino on my lap.'' We are here.''

''Oh hey.'' George said and got up from his seat and gave his hand to Grayson.'' George. Nice to meet you.''

''G-Grayon-n.'' Grayson said unsure and shook George's hand.'' Excuse me but who are you?'' Before George could answer I spoke, I just thought something and grinned like an idiot.

''A very good friend of mine. He came to visit me from New York.'' I said and George turned to face me confused but I mouthed him to shut up. Grayson narrowed his eyes at me, I knew he just got jealous, but didn't say anything else.

''Alright. Well sorry that we came earlier but I need to get ready. Alex is not okay.'' Grayson informed me and I nodded my head.

''Yeah no problem. I just need one favor.''

''Sure, shoot it.''

''I need you to keep Valentino for two, three days maximum.'' I started.'' I need to go on a trip with George. Have some things to take care of.''

Grayson stared at me for long time before turning to look at George. He chuckled.'' Yeah okay. Just tell me when.''

''Tomorrow. I will bring him to you at the morning. I don't trust Michaela at this and I know for a fact that your mother is going to be there, so I trust you more.'' I replied.

''Alright, I gotta go. Nice meeting you... George.'' He said it like it was an illness which made me happy because he was very jealous and angry. Behave yourself Gray.

'' Hey buddy see you at morning.'' He kissed Valentino and left the house without anything else saying.

I rolled my eyes as I put Valentino on top of the stool and he looked at George.'' Hello. I am Valentino.'' He said and smiled big at George and he raised his arms for him to take him in his arms. George took him and smiled at him.

''I'm George.''

''I like you. Do you want to play with my caws?'' My son asked him referring to cars. George looked at me and I struggled.

''Yeah f course. Let's go.'' He said and they got up, should I let my baby with him? Still I didn't know anything for him. I walked behind them and we all went to the living room and soon Michaela joined us.

We both sat on the couch and I watched us Valentino played with George. His uncle, what an irony.

''He's really cute.'' Michaela whispered to me.'' George, very handsome guy.''

''He's my brother of course he would be handsome.'' She rolled her eyes and lightly hit me in the arm.'' I just made Grayson jealous. I said that George is a very good friend from New York.''

''You little bitch. You made the right choice.'' She said and we laughed.'' I bet he will come on his knees to you.''

''I hope. Also, me and George will go to Memphis to find my dad. I said to Grayson to keep Valentino because first I don't trust you alone with my child and secondly so they could you know bond more.''

''I'm hurt from your words but whatever.''

''It's going to be a long summer.'' I said sighing.

A/N: hey guys, sorry for not publishing, my school have started two weeks ago and had my birthday last Saturday and I have been so full. But here it is the next chapter.

Q: tell me what do you think about George?

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