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Hayden's Pov

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked Grayson trying as much as possible to not sound as excited as I was. I turned to face him and waited patiently for an answer.

"I'm not going to say it straight away but I will give you a hind. Its a place that we loved and used to go when we were on high school." He told me and I frowned. What exactly does he had on his mind? And which was that place that we used to go on high school? How could I possibly remember after all those years? Don't get me wrong I had a good memory but with so many things running on my head I couldn't remember. But I was glad that Grayson remembered our favorite place.

"Come on, just tell me. I can't think right now." I groaned in frustration. I heard Grayson chuckled and that made me want to groan again.

"Because you are too eager to think. Or more excited is the correct word."

"Not going to lie to you. I'm just excited that you are giving me another chance. That's all." I stated palyfulky hitting his shoulder.

"I know, I know. I have a big heart." He said and I laughed. What a moron!" So, I'm not going to tell you, because you are going to understand it the minute you see it."

"Duh, is  that obvious?" I replied confused.

"Okay, whatever. To keep your mind off, how is Valentino?" Grayson asked me as he put his hands in his pockets. I smiled and told him.

"He is well. You know, just having fun like his dad. My mom is keeping an eye on him."

"Funny. She's so nice. Sometimes just tell me so my mom could watch him instead. She and my dad really want to have him there more." He told me.

"Gladly, I want him to spent more time with his other grandparents too."

"You consider Ryan his grandfather?" He asked me with raised eyebrows sounding confused. I didn't get offensive from his question, because Grayson didn't know what was going on back to New York or what happended with my dad.

"Yeah of course. Ryan is his grandfather along with Sean. No one else."

Grayson looked at me like I was losing my mind." What about Carlos?"

"He lost every right he had about me and my family. He is not my dad or Valentino's grandfather. Valentino only knows Ryan as his grandfather and that's the way I want to keep it. Carlos doesn't even care about me, do you think he will care about someone that he hasn't met? He is selfish and he will always be." I informed him about my current and permanently relationship with Carlos.

"Alright, not going to argue. You know better." He said. I nodded my head and turned to face ahead of me. I didn't know where we were because I wasn't paying attention but now I had a feeling that I knew where we were going. It was a place where me and Grayson were always coming after school so we could you know hook up while Ethan and Michaela were covering us. I smiled as the memories came back to me.

"I assume that you know the place from the smile that you have on your face." I nodded my head and I leaned on his side and placed my hands around his. I knew Grayson didn't mind at all, I could feel it. He was relaxed and comfortable." We are almost there."

"I know." I sighed. 

Soon we were on our secret teenage place. It didn't change much and everything was the same. The only difference it had was that had candles all around and two glasses along with a wine. I looked up at Grayson and from the look I was giving him he knew he had to explain.

"Ethan insist. He knows better, he said. He is romantic unlike me, he said." Grayson told me and we both chuckled. Typical Ethan. We went and sat down. Grayson opened the bottle and poured us both red wine. I was not so fond of red wine, more for white, but I didn't care at the moment. "Thanks."

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