Dream Therapy part 13

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Hey everyone, we've reached a huge milestone here. 50 votes!! Thanks all of you😁. Also I want to dedicate this chapter to datopdlink, to whom I'm very grateful and has been here and reading since the beginning. Thanks again!!


Max opened his eyes slowly and was met with the dingy, water stained panels of the drop ceiling above his bed. Blue tinted light spilled in through the six glass panels of the window on the opposite side of the room.

His alarm chirped loudly and as he turned to shut it off he saw Sarah standing there, like a statue, next to his bed, stark naked. Green snow fell down around her in the quiet of his room, it whispered lightly like the sound that snowfall makes in the early morning, deep in the woods. It melted as it touched her warm, olive skin, green streaks ran down her body. "Follow me, Max, to the revelation room." She said, almost in a whisper.

She turned and walked away, Max got up and did as he was told, the green streaks of melted snow had some hypnotic effect on him. Small rivelets of emerald liquid dripped around every curve and detail of her soft body.

Sarah left the room and crossed the hall to an empty linen closet. The opening was pitch black and resembled the toothless yawning mouth of a giant.
She entered and disappeared into the opening, again Max followed like an obedient puppy, followed her into the darkness.


Ahead he could hear the sound of rain and again he had the feeling he wasn't alone in the darkness. Max walked blindly forward following the sound of sarah's almost soundless footfalls. He notice in the distance a square of dim light and the sound of rain grew louder.

An open doorway stood in front of them, Sarahs's nude body silhouetted against it. Green, tinted light and dense forest came from around its edges. Max could make out a gesture from Sarah, a swoop of the hand above her shoulder, like she was saying, "lets go.", and passed through.

A heavy rain fell, the torrential downpour only familiar to those who've been in a rain forest before. It fell straight down, it stung his body like a million bees on the attack. Sarah now stood next to him, she was still nude as a newborn, now soaked, her hair clung to her face around her almond shaped eyes. She took Max's hand and lead him into the thick, lush forest ahead.

Bad, deeply hidden memories from long ago returned to him. Max barely notice his gorgeous, naked wife or where she was leading him, he was trying to dig a hole in his brain to bury this memory back where it belonged.

Sarah must have noticed he had drifted and placed a cold hand on his shoulder. Then she grasped his hand and lovingly pulled him along. Max snapped back at the feel of the familiar, short, slender fingers. Ahead he saw a clearing in the forest, a dirt covered, fifty foot, circular hole which seemed to him to have been cut out of the jungle by some gargantuan hole punch. "There they are, Max." Sarah whispered into Max's ear, her warm breath on his neck reminded him of the situation he was in and the end game, getting his family back.

In the middle of the clearing, kneeling in the mud, were three men, lit by a single beam of green light. "Go to them, don't be afraid." Sarah soothed, the rain pounded every inch of her nudity, creating small temporary dimples in her flesh as the drops splashed against her. She pointed with one hand and brought her other hand, one finger extended, to her lips in a shushing gesture, without turning she took a few steps backward into the jungle and was swallowed by the dense foliage.

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