Dream Therapy part 7

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The stink of sick and disinfectant filled his nose and his thoughts are a merry-go-round of confusion. He could not move. He felt very alone and helpless. He could hear only muffled sounds except the irritating squeak of an inadequately maintained wheel. All of a sudden his thoughts came in flashes like an old fashioned silent movie, jumpy and awkward.

"....responding positively now..." a female voice echoed in his head, or was it real, he couldn't tell anymore.

He couldn't move and his anger began to take control again, Just like when they kicked him out of the service because an altercation with his commanding officer ended in a knife protruding from the guys throat and some time in the brig.

".... up the...." and " to 15cc's" a deep male voice spoke, distant and muffled.

He fought against his restraints and the anger, but all he could see was red. He felt an imminent presence, close and intimidating, and tried to lash out but resistance was futile. He tried to piece together what was going on, but it was like a puzzle with too few pieces, fragmented and incomplete. A sudden intense drowsiness wash over his entire body and he soon drifted into slumber once again.

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