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Max woke up, sunlight warm on his face, his son was shaking him, "Daddy, daddy, wake up, daddy." He said in the most angelic little voice Max had ever heard.

His wife laughed and placed a hand on his chest." Yeah, wake up sleepy head." She giggled, her voice music to Max's ears, her laugh like the sound of pure happiness formed into a single note.

Over the month proceeding his treatment, alot happened. Max was evaluated by the institution for a week and held for observation for another. Dr. Willis and Dr. Ellsworth, after an independent research lab went over their research with a fine tooth comb, were given a grant to further their research. The FDA is evaluating the Induced Dream Therapy as an approved treatment for PTSD.

After a few weeks of close observation by his wife to be sure he was done drinking and his anger had actually been cooled, she came around and best of all brought their son along with her.

Max reached out and ruffled his sons hair." I love you more then anything, buddy." He said, still amazed that his "dreams" actually made all of his dreams come true.

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