Dream Therapy part 12

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Max fell through darkness, surprisingly calm.

He landed on something soft, boucing into the air and landed again. An irritatingly bright florescent light high above beamed down on him. He looked around and saw he was surrounded by stuffed animals, but these stuffed animals were the same size as him. Every kind, bear, elephant, tiger and the rest of the zoo. He also observed he was in a smallish metal room, the walls topped by glass panels all around.

Max heard something. A buzzing sound like an electric motor and a slight clanking, coming from above is head. He shielded his eyes with an outstretched hand and looked up into the brightness above. The arm of a crane lowered down toward him and the three shiny fingers grabbed him, lifting him high above the stuffed menagerie. With a jerk the arm reached the top and Max slipped from the grip of the metallic claw.

He fell back down landing on the others softly. Max looked up through the glass and saw a giant child. A girl with dark hair, bangs cut straight, just above her eyes. He thought that she looked vaguely familiar. The giant little girl silently mouthed the word "shucks" swinging her fist in the homespun way discouraged children did. The little giant then reached, exaggeratedly, into her pocket and Max heard a familiar clink, slide and plunk of a coin operated machine.

He realized he was in a giant crane game or he was tiny and in a regular size one. Either way, he wanted out, a sudden feeling of deep claustrophobia swam through his mind.

The crane came to life with a jerk and a whir and swung over the odd collection below. It stopped, swung in the air for a couple seconds, and lowered. It grasped firmly onto the bear next to him. Max took the opportunity to get out of this fluffy hell and jumped up and grabbed the leg of the bear.

The bear suddenly looked down at him, and grinned. Large, shiny, metal teeth exposed from behind drawn furry lips. It was terrifying. Max almost lost his already precarious grip, but held fast wanting to get out of this place. The crane slid across rails high overhead, stopping over a hole in the corner. The silvery hand loosed the bear  and they both fell toward the hole.

Again Max was falling, tumbling end over end, into the most utter blackness he has ever encounter, only this time he had the goosebumps on the back of your neck feeling, waring him he wasn't alone in this downward spiral.


O.k so I promised  some insider info so here it is.

*I have always been obsessed with dreams, when I was younger I used to wish I could record  my dreams because I had some good one, and some ef'd up ones too. I always wanted to see them over because upon waking thay would fade and I could only recall some of them.

*Most of the things that happen to Max in this story actually  occurred in my dreams

* I  used to study alot of dream books and learned a lot about the alleged  meaning of dreams, I used this as a jumping point for this story.

Right so that's a little insight for you. Don't forget to tap the wee little star button if you like what you read.

As always thanks for reading.

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