611 15 3

1 Week Later ~


I wake up in my bed, 8:53am. I hear yelling down stairs. I'm curious to know who was it and why. I sit up, pull back the covers and tip toe to my door. I silently open my door being careful not to make a noise, it's open enough to see and hear clearly what's going on.
It's my social worker -

"I'm sorry but she's being adopted. I've working with these teenage girls before, all they want is to be adopted. She's leaving tomorrow."


"I can assure you that Emily will be taken care of. We can't give you any information about them. You see, you have no input on this. We will see Emily with her bags tomorrow at 9:00am tomorrow morning. Have a good day."

"She's not going to leave, but yes. She will be ready. Goodbye."
I shut my door, lean up against it and fall into a heavy cry. - "I'm being adopted. What if the house is far away from here? Collins? Caleb? I don't wanna leave Caleb or Collins! What does he mean she's worked with teenage girls before? He's not taking me. He's a terrible person anyway. He's rude and all he thinks about is money. He'll place me anywhere, he just wants the money." I think to myself. I don't wanna leave. No. It's not happening.

My door starts to open causing me to scoot forward uncomfortably.

"Oh Emily, did you here all that?"
Kate says.

"Umm no just the last of it." I reply.

"Okay, come over here sweet heart." Kate gestures me towards my bed. I get walk over and sit next to her. "So of what you heard what do you know?" Kate asks
"That I'm being adopted. I have to leave." I say. "Actually, no." Kate says. "Its, you are leaving tomorrow to go live somewhere else all I know is that it's like a foster home with many other kids. Everyday you will go see these people who want to adopt you. You will have meetings, check out their house and the last night you will go over to have dinner only if you feel comfortable. If you do choose to get adopted, you will leave us and we won't have contact with us anymore. The friends you've made here, like Collins, you will need to stop talking to him. These are the "rules" from the adopters. " Kate Explains everything.
"You know I'm not leaving. If they were nice and if they were multi millionaires, I still wouldn't go. I have Collins and You and Caleb. I'm not leaving, heaven for bid it. It's stupid. I shouldn't have to do this. It's stupid. It's stupid. It's stupid. He can't make me do this, can he?" I explain my perspective of this situation.
"Unfortunately he can. He works for the government. Not saying that he can get away with anything but.. He.. Sorta can. I do agree, it is stupid but there is nothing we can do. But you might love this family and want to stay, it's the butter truth."

"UHHG I DONT WANNA GO" I say really frustrated. - "How long to do I go for?" I add along
"3 nights. So pack enough. You don't need to pack right now, Hun. Go back to sleep, I will wake you up in a bit. Okay?" Kate asks.

"Yeah, I think sleep is a good thing right now." I giggle awkwardly
Kate leaves and I crawl back underneath my blankets and head off back to sleep.
This is pretty much a filler. Didn't put it in the story but they haven't talked in the week. Just to let to you know ;).
Talk soooon

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