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I shifted restlessly beneath my duvet. It felt as if the goose feathered cover was trying to suffocate me, my lungs felt constricted and my brain was doing somersaults in time with the churning of my stomach.

At the first glimpse of pale light darting through the slit in my curtains I threw the stifling covers from my uneasy body, tossing my legs out of the bed and pulling myself into a sitting position. Running my hands through my hair for the hundredth time I took steadying breaths, my anger still not having fully subsided from the news of my impending marriage, or life entrapment as I called it more appropriately.

I sighed in annoyance, my lack of sleep not helping my foul mood. I wondered if she knew, the girl probably planned it all along herself to get my money the contemptible child. As much as I wanted to believe it though, a voice in the back of my head told me that she wouldn't do that, our hatred for one another was clear to everyone, she wouldn't submit herself to me willingly. I thought back to our last encounter, she hadn't acted peculiarly, maybe she did not know yet.

"God help me," I muttered darkly as I remembered our meeting in the woods today. I'd have to see the poor excuse for a girl in but a few hours and surely someone would have informed her of the arrangement by then.

Checking the time on the grandfather clock I stood up and walked across my room to a chair where my clothes were lying. I picked up the riding breeches, shirt and jacket and dressed myself before pulling on my polished boots and descending the stairs.

I strode towards the stables where I was greeted by one of the stable boys. "Morning Jim," I smiled at the lad before heading over to my magnificent mount, Arrow.

After climbing up onto Arrow's strong back I bent down to tussle his mane, feeling his muscles rippling beneath my hands as I did so. I straightened up again and clicked my tongue once, nudging my heels lightly into his sides.

Without another word the horse began to trot across the back courtyard and out onto the verdant expanse that stretched before us. I smiled, this was what I needed. The breeze rustled the trees overhead and caressed my cheeks as Arrow and I headed towards Stillers Hill.

As we galloped through the tall grasses I let my surroundings take control of my senses, relief flooded my veins, giving me a new lease of energy. All thoughts of marriage and Cecilia drifted from my mind as we reached the crest of the hill.

The view still took my breath away, grassy pastures stretched before me in one viridescent vastness. I let out a sigh of content, my mind at rest, if only for a short period of time. After riding along the flat of the hilltop for a while longer I began my descent and headed in the direction of Obern forest.


When I entered the small clearing the others were already there, huddled together chatting about insignificant matters. Snippets of conversations about the militia arriving and how 'gorgeous' they looked in their regimentals were amongst the scrabbled words drifting over to me. Girls, I thought sighing, nothing changes with them.

I looked over to see Denny scowling slightly as Sybil and Lacey animatedly discussed the new addition to the county. I chuckled at my friend's obvious interest in Sybil and his obliviousness to her feelings. Someday they'd admit their feelings to one another, I only hoped it wouldn't be too late by then.

I climbed idly down from my horse and pulled Arrow with me towards the boys, I could do without the goggling eyes of the loved up girls. Looking back at the giggling girls I noticed the absence of one particular girl. Maybe she'd been given the news and had decided not to come, coward. If she was going to be my wife she would have to get used to my presence, and I would need a strong willed woman to run my household, not a weak minded milksop.

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