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It struck me quite suddenly that we had not yet hosted a ball, several weeks had passed since the knowledge of Rory's father's death and Rory had not wanted to remain in mourning long. He did not talk much about his father but I sensed the two had never seen eye to eye. 

The stress of the striking workers and his rapid transformation to the Duke of Wortley had been clear in the lines that had etched themselves deep into his forehead.

A ball was just what was in order. I had never hosted a ball before but I had attended a few so I had a general understanding of how to structure and plan the event. I decided that surprises weren't Rory's cup of tea so the next morning I approached him with the idea.

Rory was initially reluctant, after all he had said there were limited funds, but if that was the case, then this might be the last chance to hold one. After a few minutes of coaxing I finally got his approval and I skipped gleefully out of his study.

I was going to host a ball, and what a ball it would be. Sitting down at the small bureau in the morning room I set about writing invitations. Not long after midday all the invites were sent out to dukes, duchesses, earls, countesses, lords and ladies from all over the country, I made sure to crosscheck all of the names with those in the large ledger that sat in the study.

 It contained all the people the Huntington's had come into contact with and previous lists of guests for social events. Adding the old names and newer ones to the long list of invitees I was proud with the ample turnout we were sure to have.

After a brief luncheon of bread and cheese I scampered downstairs to the kitchen to speak with Mrs Stone. "A ball dear? Cor, we haven't had one of those in an age!" She tilted her head to the doorway, "Isn't that right Mr Ellis?" Ellis suddenly appeared through an arch into the kitchen.

"That is quite right Mrs Stone, a ball really?" His eyebrows raised sceptically, "And his grace has agreed?" He asked sceptically.

"Yes he had," I huffed at his disbelieving tone.

"Well I believe we ought to congratulate you then my dear," he said, his features softening as he smiled at her, "This house has been in need of such an occasion for a long time now."

"Indeed, houses like this weren't built to sit empty now," Mrs Stone chimed in. "Well I guess you'll be wanting to discuss the menu won't you your grace?"

I smiled, "Yes quite, although I fear Ellis will find it rather dull and has much more better things to be doing with his time." This earned a chuckle from Ellis who bowed his head respectfully before moving to the door.

"Fear not ladies, I see when I am not wanted." He offered me a mischievous smile his eyes dancing playfully before turning to Mrs Stone and giving her a secretive smile to which she blushed. I watched the short exchange between the two with rapt attention.

Ellis disappeared from sight along with the blush on Mrs Stone's face a moment later. Feeling my curiosity take over I couldn't help but ask, "Forgive the impertinence, but is there something between you and Ellis?" 

I watched the rosiness return to her cheeks with a knowing smile on my face. 

"'Tis alright, you may confide in me." I coaxed the woman.

"I believe... I believe your grace... That Mr Ellis and I... Are rather... Rather fond of each other..." She stuttered and stammered throughout the revelation of her secret.

"So I can well see Mrs Stone," I sent her another canny smile.

"You.. You can?" The shock on her face was almost comical.

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