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Dedicated to a lovely writer with only kind words who should have more self-confidence in their own ability @MEBrook


The wedding had been an absolute success, Mrs Stone had looked gorgeous in her simple but beautiful ivory dress and Ellis had also looked quite the part in his best suit. The happy couple did not leave one another's side after the service whilst the wedding luncheon was served before dancing and music. They were a picture of happiness.

I climbed the stairs to our bedchamber somewhat nervously that night. Tonight was the night. I opened the door to what had become our bedroom ever since our confessions of love and walked towards the bed where Rory was already sitting with a book in his hands. He was wearing a loose shirt and pair of brown slacks as he turned the pages of his novel.

His eyes flickered up to me when I entered and a smile crossed his face. "Hello my darling, I was wondering when you'd come up."

"I was just seeing to some things below stairs." I returned his smile before placing a lingering kiss on his lips.

I strolled across the room towards the screen where my night clothes were. This time though, instead of changing into my nightdress behind the stand as I usually did, I began to slowly slip my dress from my shoulders and push it down the length of my body in full view of the bed.

I heard Rory put his book down on the stand next to him and I smiled smugly to myself. Maybe I had been wrong, maybe he had just been waiting for me to give him some sort of sign to show that I wanted to.

Once I was just in my chemise and corset I turned back around to the bed and walked slowly to Rory's side, swaying my hips slightly more than usual as I walked. I noticed with a satisfied smile that Rory's eyes were glued to me as I approached him.

"Would you help me out of my corset darling," I whispered in his ear when I had reached him. He nodded his head eagerly like a a little boy being asked if he wanted a sherbet drop. I twisted my body so that my back was facing him and I felt his fingers hastily fumble with the strings of the contraption.

I felt him undo the final strings and I eased the corset from my body, tossing it unceremoniously to the floor. Dressed only now in my flimsy chemise I swivelled to face Rory once more. I watched his tongue slip out and wet his lips so quickly I almost missed it.

I leant down and placed a light kiss on the edge of his mouth whilst letting my hand slip beneath his shirt. I felt his body tense beneath my hand as I ran it over his sculpted chest and I felt his heart beat speed up. A sense of Power ran through me at being able to effect Rory just as much as he effected me.

I moved to place a kiss on the edge of the other side of his mouth, but Rory, evidently having enough of my teasing, grabbed my face between his long fingers and pulled me down to meet his lips full on.

It was a kiss full of longing and passion that sent ripples of excitement pulsing through my veins. I shifted my body so that I was lying on top of Rory, my body moulding to his perfectly. I felt his feather light fingertips brush up the length of my legs beneath my chemise and another wave of anticipation coursed through me.

I tugged slightly on the bottom of his shirt, hinting that it was not needed and could be removed. Suddenly Rory's hands stopped their tracing of my legs and he broke away from my lips. "I love you Cecilia," he spoke sincerely, "Are you sure?"

"I love you too, Rory," I breathed before returning my lips to his as way of an answer.


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