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I had danced two dances and was quite eager to visit the table of refreshments but just as I had finished thanking my last dance partner another man took his place. The man was tall and had a mop of strikingly white-blond hair, his eyes were a stormy grey colour and matched his silver mask. 

He was an attractive man yet I found myself comparing him to a certain copper eyed blonde and he didn't stand a chance next to him. I sighed, I really was losing it now.

"Lord Claffington, at your service," the man smiled a sickly smile and took my hand in his placing a light kiss on it. Unlike Rory's touch, this man elicited no excitement or heat when he pressed his lips to my hand. God, I had to stop comparing him to Rory.

"The Duchess of Wortley, charmed I'm sure." I withheld from wrinkling my nose, there was something about the man that I distinctly disliked.

"If your grace would do me the honour of a dance?" he asked, the saccharine smile still plastered to his face. I searched desperately for a good enough excuse but without finding a suitable one, I would have to concede to the toady man.

"Of course," I managed to stick a smile onto my own face as I offered him my hand. The orchestra struck up a new piece just as the Claffington man led me onto the floor.

"I must say," Claffington spoke as he began to twirl us around the floor, his hand holding my waist uncomfortably close to him. 

"You look ravishing," his vice like grip on me tightened, inching me closer to him. I shifted uneasily in his grasp and scanned the room for any chance to escape the clutches of this foul man.

"Thank you," I managed to say, the smile still on my face. As he pulled me inappropriately close to him I had to fight the urge to retch as his nauseating scent threatened to suffocate me. God where was Rory? 

Spinning around the room I forced myself to laugh at the appropriate times and keep the smile on my face, all the time praying for the dance to finish so I might seek out a friend to keep me company, instead of the odious men I had so far had made the unpleasant acquaintances of.

Suddenly I caught sight of him, his hazel eyes burned into the man I was partnered with with such anger as I had never seen on him before that even I was frightened. I watched him as he strode around the edge of the room, his eyes fixed the whole time on the blonde man.

Finally the music ended and the dance was over, I let out a sigh of relief and exhaustion as I applauded the orchestra along with the other dancers before making my way to the edge of the floor. 

Standing on my tiptoes I could see Rory making his way towards us and I felt my breathing begin to calm, his presence was a reassurance I was in desperate need of right now.

Just before he reached us, a new man with shining auburn hair held his hand out towards me, "If I might have a dance with the lady," He smiled politely at Claffington.

"I'm afraid-"

"That would be lovely thank you," I interrupted, I couldn't bear to spend a moment longer with that obsequious oaf.

The brunette man smiled at me before taking my hand and leading me once more onto the dance floor. He introduced himself as the Earl of Bertram and was a much more agreeable dance partner than Claffington.

I turned my head to glance back at where Rory had been to see him say something quietly to Claffington before walking back through the crowds, the Claffington following.

What was that about? Maybe they were friends or knew each other well? Maybe Rory had put him up to dancing with me to embarrass and perturb me, but that didn't explain the look of pure hatred in Rory's eyes as he had glared at the man. I tried to put it to the back of my mind, it would do no good to dwell on it now.

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