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I awoke to find a warm, muscular arm securely wrapped around my waist. I held in a scream before the events of last night drifted back to me. I had asked Rory to spend the night with me and what's more, I had asked him to embrace me. 

I had most definitely lost my sanity. I blushed as I recounted how he had held me and calmed me down after my nightmare. Lord, I was turning into an infatuated little girl.

I tried to slip out from his hold on me but his arm only tightened around me. I groaned in frustration, before flipping around to come face to face with his chest. 

My eyes traced over the contours of his powerful physique as his chest rose and fell again in time with his breathing. I felt a crimson tinge rise up my cheeks as I watched him sleep.

Eager to get up and not wanting to wait for Rory to wake I poked his cheek forcefully. He did not stir even when I jabbed my finger into his face again. "Rory," I whisper-shouted, "Wake up!" But still he continued to sleep on, I rolled my eyes, trust Rory to trap me in my own bed.

I mulled over the various methods I could use to try and wake him from his deep slumber, one in particular standing out. A grin slowly stretched across my face and I flexed my fingers excitedly. Shuffling myself into the best position I could locked in his arms, I reached my hands out to his chest and began to tickle him mercilessly.

I watched amusedly as his hazel eyes snapped open and his body began to squirm as my hands ran their course over his body. I couldn't help but giggle at the pained expression on his face as he tried to escape my grasp in between panting laughs.

"C-Cecilia," he gasped, "Stop," he drew out the 'p' as he begged me to release him but I was enjoying myself too much to pay attention to his demands. Suddenly I felt his own hands reach out and attack my sides. Well shit. Tickling was one of my few weaknesses and I knew I wouldn't be able to withstand his prodding fingers for long.

I fell into fits of hysteria and wriggled in his grip trying to escape his attacking fingers. Without warning Rory flipped his body so that I was pinned beneath him to the bed, his eyes glinting with victory. Had my attempt to escape really turned into my own entrapment again? No, I wouldn't give up just yet.

I summoned all my will power to stop me from writhing in his grip as his relentless fingers assaulted me. Then, lifting my head from the bed, I pressed my lips firmly against his. His reaction was almost immediate, his fingers stopped their onslaught against my body as his lips urgently searched mine. I smiled, I was not defeated yet.

I quickly wriggled out from under him and ran across to the other side of the room. "Finally," I laughed, Rory's expression momentarily confused before realisation spread across his face and he chuckled at my motive.

"You," he laughed pointing his finger at me, "Young lady, are playing with fire." His eyes glinted with a playful menace as he climbed off the bed and began to walk around the large bed. 

My eyes flickered to the door before realising that I was only dressed in my nightgown, and it was certainly not appropriate for the duchess to be running around her house in her nightwear.

"I wish to dress," I lifted my chin with an air of superiority, challenging him to remain in my room.

"Very well," he said, a cunning smile on his face. I sighed in relief, at last he would leave me alone, but within four strides Rory was in front of me and had reached his hands up to the top of my dress. His hands fumbled slightly as he undid the strings at the neck of the dress and I sucked in a sharp breath, what in God's name...

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