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Upon our arrival home we were greeted by Ellis in the main hall, he looked at the both of us and gave us an odd smile, as if he knew something we didn't. I raised an eyebrow at him but he simply turned to Cecilia, smiled at her fondly and extended one arm out towards her.

"Your coat your grace?" I noticed a soft blush form over her cheeks as she handed him the coat I had draped around her shoulders.

"Thank you Ellis," She gave him a gentle smile before giving me a nod of her head and rushing excitedly up to her room.

"I wonder whats got her so excited?" I mused out loud, Ellis quirked a thick brow up at me watching me carefully.

"I couldn't say your grace." His lips quirked up in a half smile as he watched her retreating form. "Oh, I almost forgot your grace, dinner will be served at six."

"Thank you Ellis, I shall pass the message on to my wife." I gave the butler a quick smile before leisurely walking up the stairs. I wandered along the corridor until I reached Cecilia's door, I knocked but didn't bother for a reply before opening her door. She turned to face me as I stuck my head around the door. I noticed she was only in her chemise and corset and smiled appreciatively at the view. She didn't bother to cover herself, I guess after today's encounter she didn't feel the need to, I had seen plenty.

"Dinner is at six, I will join you in the dining room then," I announced before closing her door and heading into my adjoining room. I had half an hour before dinner and I chose to spend the best part of this in my study, I had letters that needed to be written and accounts to be settled. Sighing I pulled off my shirt and trousers and changed into my evening wear before heading back downstairs to my study.

I settled into my favourite leather armchair positioned in front of the hearth, sipping a glass of claret whilst scanning my eyes over the letters I had received earlier today. I let out a grunt as one of them informed me of my father's declining health.

Truthfully I was terrified of having to step up to my position of Duke, I sincerely hoped my father made it through this bad spell, however I had a feeling this time my father would not recover. The loss of my mother had been an unbearable loss for him and he had been steadily deteriorating ever since.

Although I did not want to see him I knew I must, for it would almost certainly be the last time I laid eyes on him. The thought did not sadden me too greatly, I had never had a good relationship with my father. He had always favoured my older brother Jonathan and had made that evident. Jonathan had died a few years ago in a tragic horse accident that had shook my whole family. After that my father had become a shell of himself and had acted like I was to blame.

I had changed too, I had placed a guard of steel around myself, shielding my heart from feelings so that I would never feel that hurt of losing someone close again.

Why did he have to go for a ride that day? He could still be here now. I wouldn't have had to marry Cecilia, although I had to admit that wasn't as unappealing after are run-in earlier today, I chuckled at the memory. It was always Jonathan who was meant to become the duke, not me. Why on earth had this all had to happen to me? He should be the one preparing to become the next Duke of Wotley now not me. Maybe he would be married to Cecilia instead of me, although somehow that idea didn't appeal too much to me either.

Caught up in my thoughts I lost track of time and it was not until I heard a knock on my study door that I was shaken out of my stupor. I lifted my head to see Cecilia walking into the room. My eyes widened as she fully came into view. She was wearing a dark blue dress made from silk. It clung to her body in all the right places, enhancing her slender body and showing a modest yet enticing amount of her porcelain skin.

Her ebony hair had been curled and pinned up into an elegant chignon, a few rascal curls escaping from their place to frame her face. The light of the fire flickered over her soft features and the bright amber flames reflected in her piecing blue eyes. I had thought her an attractive girl but before me stood the most enchantingly beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't seeing wrong.

"Did your mother never inform you it's impolite to stare?" She quipped, although her tone was playful rather than aggressive as it had been earlier.

"I..." I stumbled, God I was really losing it now, stuttering over a pretty girl. I looked up at her again before shifting my eyes from her searching saxe blue depths. "Y-you look... beautiful." I managed to stammer, blushing as I fumbled with my words.

"Not too ill-favoured then?" She asked throwing my words of a few weeks ago back in my face. I looked up at her and noticed a trace of hurt shooting through them as she spoke. I hadn't even realised she had heard my words. Not that you wouldn't have said them if she'd been there an ugly voice in my head countered. And it was true. I felt slightly ashamed as the look of pain in her eyes tugged at me harder knowing I had caused it. The question didn't require an answer but I felt I owed her an apology.

"I'm sorry," I looked her straight in the eyes as I said it, I wanted her to know that I meant it. I watched as a multitude of emotions flashed through her eyes one by one, surprise, confusion and was it hope? I must have mistook the last one, what was hope doing among those feelings?

"It's forgotten," She gave me a huge grin, reminding me of a child who had just been told they could have all the sweets they wanted. Her smile was contagious, and for the first time in a while, I found myself giving her a genuine smile of my own.

"Shall we go to dinner then?" She asked, holding her arm out to me. I jumped up from my seat in my chair and taking her arm gently in mine we left the study and headed to the dining room.

Ellis' smile broadened as he saw us enter the dining room. "Your graces," he smiled at us. "If I may be permitted to say so, you look most exquisite tonight your grace." he smiled at the blushing Cecilia.

I knew the comment was directed at Cecilia but feigning ignorance I turned to the old butler, "Why thank you Ellis, I am pleased you think so, I must say, I do look rather dashing this evening if I say so myself." Cecilia's melodic laughter floated into my ear and I felt a warmth spring up in my stomach at being the source of her laughter.

"Thank you Ellis," she said claiming her rightful compliment before adding, "And would you be so kind as to clean the mirror in his grace's room? I fear it is in need of a wash, from the sound of it he can hardly see himself in it the poor lamb." She pouted her lips in mock sympathy before patting me gently on the arm. The cheeky minx... I watched as Ellis' smile turned into a full bout of laughter at her remark as I faked deep offence at Cecilia's words.

I regarded her closely out of the corner of my eye. You know what, she wasn't half bad. I nodded my head in silent approval. Maybe there were worse girls to marry than Cecilia Longsworth. Yes, I mulled it over in my brain, there were definitely worse girls to be married to than Cecilia.

And it was with that thought that I led her to her seat, pulled back her chair and settled myself at the head of the table, my stomach rumbling in anticipation, looking forward to the delights Cook always had to offer us. I smiled at Cecilia across the table, not bad at all.

Hello guys!

Sorry this chapter is quite a bit shorter than usual but I'll make up for it by posting another chapter this evening - how does that sound? Hope you enjoy this chapter and please continue to vote and comment! Have a lovely day (Its sunny in London woohoo) 

Much love


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