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I scampered up the stairs as fast as my legs would carry me, I was feeling the most exhilarated I had in days. We were going riding! 

Since my arrival at Clampton I had hardly had the time to ride Shadow and I couldn't wait to be on him again. I could feel the sinewy muscle beneath me and the wind whipping my hair back already.

I wouldn't let Ellis' bizarre question of loving Rory ruin my mood now as I speedily changed into my dark blue riding habit. It was as I was hurrying back down the stairs that I realised that this was the first time Rory had actually invited me to do something with him of his own free will.

I entered the stables slightly out of breath, my eyes ran around the area and were fast to find Rory who was saddling up his stallion, Arrow. I hastened over to him and tapped him on the shoulder eagerly.

"What in... Oh, Cecilia," he let out a small laugh as the surprise faded from his face.

"Yes? I am ready, may we go now?" I realised I sounded like a whiny child but I was tingling with excitement and itching to get on Shadow, I flexed my gloved hands in anticipation.

"I must say Cecilia, you gave me quite a fright, I was rather wrapped up in seeing to Arrow, I was sure you'd be a good few minutes more." I watched as his eyes quickly ran over me, taking in my attired state. 

"James is saddling up Shadow now I believe," his eyes wandered to where a young boy stood attempting to saddle Shadow.

I ran over to the beautiful beast and placed a short kiss on his nose, "Here, let me do that," I spoke to the boy who looked at me in bewilderment. I reached over, lifted the saddle out of his arms and hefted it up into position on Shadows back.

The boy looked at me, his mouth agape, in horror or awe I wasn't sure. I thanked him for taking care of the horse before securing the saddle and reins and making sure everything was ready for the ride. I placed one foot in the stirrup and hoisted myself up into the saddle.

I rode over to Rory who was also watching me with his mouth open, "What? Never seen a woman saddle her own horse before?" I questioned. He shut his mouth immediately.

"Most women would not be aware of how to saddle a horse correctly." He managed to choke out, I saw the stable boy nod out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't help but laugh at the two men.

"Well, I am not 'most women' clearly," Rory nodded before fumbling with the reins of his horse. "Hurry up will you, I cannot wait to get going!"

"Alright, alright!" He raised his hands in mock surrender. Swinging his body over his horse he hoisted himself onto his mount. The moment he was in the saddle I kicked my heels into Shadows side easing him into a gentle trot.

"I want to take you somewhere," I heard Rory whisper in my ear as we left the stables. The tingling sensation of his breath on my neck made me let out an involuntary shiver and the smirk on his face showed he knew just the effect he had had on me, I growled at him in response.

My interest had however been piqued, where did he want to take me? And why did he want to take me anywhere at all? I ignored the questions mulling around my brain and focussed on the glorious feeling of riding again.

It was not long before the Clampton estate had been lost to our sight behind the tall trees and shrubbery of the land and gardens surrounding the house. The sound of running water nearby greeted my ears in a melodic tune as it warbled between the pebbles of a brook. 

The sky above was a pale blue punctuated occasionally with a brushstroke of white, the perfect stage for the dancing birds that dotted across the sky. I let out a small sigh of happiness, this was freedom.

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