Chapter 6: An old friend

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3rd persons pov

Natsume ran through the forest on the island of Caracole, following the map that led to Zonia. She ended up in a small section of Caracole that was really peaceful and pretty but she didn't care for the Island's beauty. She kept running, looking around for him. "Kato, has to pay for this. But how will I get to Zonia, the map shows the way to get to where the ceremony is but it doesn't say how to get there." Natsume continued running throughout the small village. Eventually, finding a small docked boat and sailed to Zonia.


The group finally reached the guild hall, explaining to everyone what was going on. Wendy and Porlysucia were able to heal Lucky, who was now in a lot better shape than she was before. "I'll go with you guys." Gildarts said and Makarov chose a group to go to Zonia. Natsu, Happy, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Lucy, Gajeel, Laxus, Mira, Freed, and Gildarts all set out with the map, and headed for Zonia.

"Are you sure that he's gonna use her for the sacrifice?" Gildarts asked, "Yeah, they had a deeper connection when she was younger." Lucy showed him the picture. "We have to get to Zonia, I believe by going through this cave." Lucy said, pointing to the cave. "Why a cave?" Gajeel asked, "People used to live on Zonia and the only way to keep out any intruders, was to make this portal for them to go through if they were pure of heart." Lucy explained, "Lucy, how do you know all of this stuff?" Erza asked, "It was in the notebook. I just read from it." She said, with a shrug. "Alright then, lead the way Lucy." Erza said and Lucy nodded. After hours of walking, they reached the cave. "So where is the portal?" Gildarts asked, "It should be right here." Lucy said, pressing on a rock by doing that the rock began to glow. "Lucy, what's happening?" Erza asked, "I don't know, it shouldn't glow like this should it?" She started and her body started to glow, which panicked the others. "Lucy!!!" Natsu shouted, as Lucy let out a startled cry in pure panic. A burst of light flashed and Lucy disappeared, "Lucy?!!" Natsu shouted, looking around.

"Where did she go?" Erza stepped forward where Lucy had just been standing a moment ago, just as she took her spot, she disappeared the same way Lucy had. The only two who could go through for now was Erza and Lucy, so they tried to figure out a way to get everyone else through.


Natsume had reached the island and is now following the path to find Kato. "That bastard has to pay. He won't get away with trying to kill lucky and deceiving me. I can tell the others have come for me. But they won't stop me. No matter what happens they won't get in the way of me taking revenge." Natsume thought to herself, continuing to run through the path.

Erza and Lucy found each other and have started figuring out, how they could get the others in. So Lucy got the idea of leaving the notebook, and third map behind and the two went after Natsume. As soon as they made it out of the valley and followed the path, the notebook started glowing. All of the others on the other side glowed and was transported to Zonia in the valley. Mira lead the team and followed the map, although they all realized they were on the other side of the island.

Natsume took a break from running around the island at a small lake, before she started walking again. Natsume suddenly leapt into the air, as a  blast of magic hit the ground where she just was. She landed on her feet and looked up, freezing in her place. Before she could say anything, the young man's hair was out of his ponytail and he said something. "Sea king dragon raging blast!" The attack hit her before could move, sending her flying back into the trees and created a huge explosion. in the distance, the whole group had spotted the large blast. Lucy and Erza looked towards each other, nodding and started their way towards the area the explosion had just occured.

"Hello my sweet Natsume, I hope you're doing well." The blue haired boy smirked, holding Natsume up by her shirt collar. "Oh hey, Chase! It's good to see you again. Hey, what's wrong?" Natsume's smile faded as he grasped her shirt tighter than before, which worried Natsume. "You insolent fool!" He shouted, "Elite beam!" Natsume was thrown up in the air, now bleeding and her clothes were torn up. She fell back down, slowly standing to her feet and brushed herself off. "So, I see you're still mad about what happened six years ago. Why are you still waiting for me, Chase?" Natsume asked, panting slightly as she looked at Chase.

"Because I'm in love with you!" He shouted, causing it to echoe throughout the whole island. 

"What was that?" Gray asked, as the words echoed throughout the island. 

"And I will say the same thing, I said six years ago. I'm not interested in you like that, so stop waiting for me. I'm not in love with you. I'm in love with Gray Fullbuster!" She shouted, which echoed through the forest.

"Natsume," Mira said and Gray's eyes widened, shocked by the sudden confession. "Elite beam infarharl!" Natsume flew past several trees, colliding with a giant boulder. "Who is this Gray Fullbuster?!" He shot another blast at her, which she took head on. "Tell me, who is he?" He shot more blasts at her, but she dodged them. Everyone in the group started running straight for the blasts, they knew something was going on but Gray was worried that they would run straight into trouble. "He must die!" Chase shouted, "Sea king dragon roar!" The attack hurled itself towards her and she blocked it with fire. The group could finally see two figures and finally reach her, as well as Lucy and Erza. "Who is Gray Fullbuster?!!!!" He shot another blast at her, but she managed to block it. She flew back into another boulder, "Natsume! Tell me, why don't you love me?" Chase asked, he was furious.

"I told you that I looked up to you, you're a year older than me. Even when I met you, I didn't want to fall in love with anybody. I wasn't ready to be in love. You are like my role model and my best friend. I can't love you like that." She said, shaking her head. "Oh, but you can fall in love with another person?!" He blasted her, which she took on making her scream in pain.

"Natsume!" Natsu shouted, alerting Chase that there were more people on the Island. "You dirty bastard!" Gray shouted, "Gray, calm down!" Juvia grabbed his arm, trying to calm him down. Chase only got angrier when he heard Gray's name fall from Juvia's lips. "So you are Gray Fullbuster! You will die now!" He shot blasts at them, but Gildarts blocked it and Chase seemed to get the message and ran off.

"Chase, come back."

Natsume stood up coming out of the rocks, she reached out for Chase's retreating figure. She grabbed onto Natsu, looking up at him with tears in her eyes which took him by surprise as she started crying. Everyone stood there shocked and angry, that the happy girl they knew, wasn't smiling anymore. She held onto Natsu, wrapping her arms around him tightly and continued to sob into him. "Natsume, it's okay. I'm right here. Everything will be okay." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her. He sat on his knees, holding Natsume close and just let her cry into him. The group all looked to each other with a look of understanding and Natsu did as well, hoping they could help Natsume through whatever was going on.

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