Chapter 32: Kosuke helps the group travel to Clove town

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Lucy's pov

"Did you see what happened to our friend?" I asked around, I wanted to know if anybody saw what happened. "No, I'm sorry. I heard that woman scream out for help and she pointed out your friend here." A young man with glasses explained, "Thanks." I turned around to walk away, "I'm sorry, I can't be much of any help to you." He apologized, "It's alright, you tried." I smiled at him and walked away. "Nobody saw what happened. Have you had any luck Jellal?" I looked over to him and he shook his head, which made me sigh. "It looks like Natsu isn't having any luck either." He said, "What do you mean?" He pointed towards Natsu, who was basically bullying all of the other guys. I sweatdropped, knowing Natsu would have eventually lost his temper. "That idiot doesn't know how to ask someone something, without scaring the wits out of them." I said, even Jellal sweatdropped.

"Lucy!" I turned my head to see Mira and her group reach us first. "Oh jeez, what happened to her?" Mira asked, "That's what we've been trying to find out, but we haven't had any luck." I told them, "So you said somebody found Natsume like this?" Laxus asked, "Yeah, she's over there. None of us have talked to her yet." I pointed over near a cafe, where the lady was standing. "I'll go talk to her." Freed said, "Don't stress her out too much. She seemed frightened, when she found Natsume." I said and he shook his head. "Lucy!!! Jellal!" I turned to see Erza and her group get to us. "Where is she?" Kosuke asked, "Over there. But I must warn you all, Gray thinks its his fault she ended up like this. He's been with her since we got here. Juvia is doing everything she can to try and cheer him up." I pointed over by the shop that Gray was sitting next to with Natsume laying in his arms, Juvia was sitting next to him. "Have you found any other information about what went down?" I turned my head back to Erza, "No, not really. All we know is that the lady found her like that." Erza walked over to Gray with me and Kosuke. "Gray, are you really blaming yourself for this?" Erza asked and bent down in front of him, she was looking down and examining Natsume's injuries. The only thing that wasn't destroyed was her scarf, it wasn't even dirty. So whoever we're dealing with, really knows how much that scarf means to her.

"I'm the reason, she ran off." Gray stated, looking down at the floor. "Gray, why are you blaming yourself for this?" Carla asked, as she walked forward. "We were arguing and I couldn't answer her, she ran off. It's all my fault." Gray looked down at her with tears in his eyes, "Gray, stop blaming yourself for this. Nobody knew this was gonna happen." Erza put her hand on his shoulder, "Natsu, stop it!" I saw Mira trying to pull Natsu off of a guy.

"You bastard, you hurt her! I'm gonna kill you!!!" The guy Natsu was yelling at, was smirking. "He did this?" I asked, more like yelled. "Yeah, Natsu started asking around about his sister. This guy over here laughed and smirked, so when Natsu asked him he nodded yes. Natsu got pissed and basically started beating his face in." Laxus said, and Freed walked over to us. "So did you get any information out of her?" I asked, "Yeah, she told me who it was. She said it's the same guy Natsu is beating up right now. She didn't want to say anything, because she was afraid he would hurt her too." Freed stood there looking stoic, "What made him attack Natsume?" Erza looked up at him from her spot, "She said that Natsume had accidentally bumped into him. He also overheard that she was from Fairytail when she was talking to Momoko. Momoko told me that he's from a dark guild, in the next town over." Freed explained. "But what was his motive in attacking Natsume?" Laxus asked, "Tell me why? Why the hell did you attack my sister? What was your motive?" Natsu kept punching the guy in the face, making Mira pull on him. She was trying to get him to stop, "I did it, because you're all Fairytail scum!" Natsu lost it, but Mira was able to pull him away. "What did you say, you bastard?! I'm gonna kill you!!" Laxus had to jump in and help Mira hold him off. Gray stood up giving Natsume to Juvia and I, "Gray?" Juvia asked, "That bastard did this?" He walked over to the guy, "What's your name?" He held the guy up by the collar of his shirt, giving him a deadly glare. "I ai- it's shiroichi." Gray then punched him hard in the face, with his fist that was covered in ice. Shiroichi fell to the ground, with a loud thump.

"What made you think you could take out a Fairytail member, and not have someone coming after you from Fairytail? You shouldn't have messed with her!" Gray kicked Shiroichi in the side, and he hit the wall. "Guys!!!" I turned my head away from Gray and saw Gajeel. "Oh thank goodness, you made it here!" I yelled and waved over to them, they rushed over to where we were. "Who did this?" Wendy asked, "The guy Gray and Natsu are beating up." I pointed to the two. "I'm on it." Wendy bent down next to me and started healing her.

"That's enough!!!" Erza yelled at the two, "No it isn't Erza! He's the reason why she's hurt." Natsu shouted, "Wait Natsume, you shouldn't be up right now!" Wendy cried out in alarm and I turned around. "Just stop it you two! Right now! It's my fault I couldn't handle a battle of my own. Just stop it, it's my fault! Let me fight my own battles. Besides it wasn't him who hurt me." She shouted, making Natsu and Gray's eyes widened.

The next morning, Natsume was still recovering from her injuries. Wendy was still trying to heal her though, but we needed to get moving. "I can help you guys get to Clove town, but I'm gonna have to take her with me." I turned seeing a girl standing next to Kosuke. "Who is she?" Erza asked, "My name is Keiko. I'm a friend of Kosuke's and he's told me all about you guys. I'm gonna help him, help you guys get back home." Keiko introduced. "Alright, well then Kosuke show us the way." Erza said.

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