Chapter 43: Asuna

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3rd person's pov

Natsume screamed in pain, as she was repeatedly shocked. Tsuyoshi wanted to find information on how she was connected to Kato and who had sent the job request. "Now will you talk? How much more do you think you can withstand?" Tsuyoshi asked, as he walked up to her. "Watashi wa hanashite imasen. Anata wa watashi ni anata ni iu koto wa arimasen! Anata ga watashi o dore dake kizutsukete mo kinishinai! Karera wa watashi no tame ni kuru!" Natsume said to him in Japanese, "So you speak Japanese? Who will come for you?" Tsuyoshi asked, "They will come for me. You don't need to know anything else. I ain't telling you anything." Natsume spit blood onto Tsuyoshi's cheek. He scrunched his face up a little, before wiping the spit with a towel.


"Is that the place?" Erza asked Mika, who nodded and looked forward. "Yeah, this is the place. But it's heavily guarded ther-" Natsu, Gray and Gajeel had knocked out most of the guards outside and managed to get inside. "Well, leave it to the boys to not stick to the plan." Lucy sweatdropped along with the others, "Yeah, this isn't gonna end well at all." Satomi sighed, shaking her head. "Come on you guys, let's go!!" Natsu shouted and they all walked forward.

"Intruder alert! Intruder Alert!" The alarmed blared loudly, echoing throughout the hallways of the palace. Everyone covered their ears, "Where do we go?" Lucy yelled over the alarm, "We hide in here." Satomi pulled everyone into a small room, "It might the Fairytail people, she warned us about." They heard a guard yell, over the blaring alarm.

"Natsume warned them about us?" Satoru asked, "No, my great uncle Sally sent them after us... Of course she told them about us!" Satomi smacked Satoru over the back of the head. "Owww.... What was that for?!!" Satoru held the spot she hit, looking at her. "For asking such an idiotic question. Why else would they know about us coming?" Satomi yelled, "Well they could have heard us because of Natsu, Gray and Gajeel beating up the guards outside and even inside of the palace." Satoru yelled back, starting an argument with Satomi.

"Uhhhh guys..... Guys........... GUYS!!!!" Lucy yelled at the two siblings, who stopped arguing and looked at her. "We need to stay focused, we came here to save Natsume." She said to the two and they nodded.

Natsume is thrown in a cell, "Hello," A little girl had been thrown in the cell, weeks before things got worse. Natsume was thrown into the cell, but she was too weak to fully stand up. The guard left and the little girl came rushing out of the corner. She had long white hair that was braided into pigtails. "Miss, are you okay?" She ran over to Natsume, who was trying to get up. "I'm alright. Wait a minute." Natsume sat up against the wall, getting a good look at the girl. "What's a child like her doing in here?" Natsume thought, looking at her. "Why are you in here? What happened?" Natsume asked, "My brother locked up me in here." The little girl said, "What's your name?" Natsume asked, "My name is Asuna. What's yours?" She smiled at Natsume, hoping that she would be her new friend. "It's Natsume. You can call me Sume, if you'd like. Now what I'm gonna do is figure out a way to get us both out of here." Natsume stood up, finally regaining some strength. "No, your injured." Asuna cried out, "Don't worry about me. I can handle, whatever they throw my way. In a way, people say me and my twin brother aren't that different." Natsume waved her away, not wanting to trouble the little girl.

"No, the last person who came in here was injured. I tried the best I could to help patch him up, but he bled out. He died." Asuna had tears swelling up in her eyes, "Oh Asuna, I'm sorry." Natsume bent down in front of her, hugging her small frame.

"How old are you?" Natsume pulled away, "I'm this many.." She held up six fingers "You are way to young too be here. I'm going to get us out." Natsume turned away towards the bars of the cell, "So why were you thrown in here?" She asked, "I'm from Fairytail. My friends and I are here to help stop Levi's reign over the town, so my best friend and I got caught by Tsuyoshi. I helped her escape and he beat me for it, but I know she made it to the others." Natsume explained, having hope.

"Alright, Asuna. I'm gonna break this cell door. Stand back." Asuna stood in the back, watching as Natsume started trying to break the door. "Guys, where are we?" Natsu asked, "Look at all these computers, this must be the control room." Gray said, "I know how to work these things." Satoru walked over and sat down in the chair. He started pressing buttons and clicking on things, pulling up a bunch of screens that showed every room in the kingdom. "Paul, we gotta check if this was a ruse or something." A guy outside the room said, "What do we do?" Lucy whispered, "We gotta hide." Satomi said, "No, I have a better idea." Erza said and put her plan into action. The plan was to knock out the guards, who would be coming into the room.

Natsu and Gray hid behind the door, while Erza, lucy and Levy hid behind the bookshelf. "Alright, come on Paul, Rudy, Jess. Let's go!" A woman called out and the door handle jiggled. The door swung open and the before they could flip on the lights, Natsu and Gray knocked them all out. There were at least two women and two men.

"Alright Erza, what's next?" Satomi asked, looking to the red head. "We'll have to dress up like them. I found more of those security outfits in here." She opened the closet door and Levy closed the door. Satoru sat back down at the computer, pulling up all the images.

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