Chapter 60: Natsume's Generous Heart

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Natsu's pov

With Natsume running off the way she did, we had to go look for her. "Do you think she could be at the town square already?" Lucy asked "No, I don't think so. She might have went off looking for Levi, once she realized he wouldn't be there." Gray looked to us, "Do you think Chase and Keiko evacuated everyone yet?" Lucky asked, "Most likely. But then again, there's a big population in this town." Laxus finally spoke up, as the car came to a sudden stop. "What's wrong?" Mira looked back at us, "There are still people here. Chase and Keiko must be having a tough time getting everyone out of here. Something has to be going on." Erza looked to us, "Damnit, Natsume where the hell did you go?" I looked out of the window, spotting a large crowd of people.

There were small children being held by their parents and the parents were struggling to keep them calm. Other people were teens either talking, laughing or arguing with someone else and from what I could see they were all anxious. Most of them were frightened, and trying to keep peace with others. I then caught a glimpse of blonde hair, "Keiko!" I fell out of the window, quickly getting up and taking off towards Keiko. She was currently trying to keep the peace, between three people that had started arguing.

"Keiko!!! Hey!!!" I waved, which caught her attention and her blonde hair blew softly in the wind. Her blue eyes lit up as soon as her eyes landed on me, running towards her. "Natsu!!! Thank god, you are okay!!" She launched herself in my direction and I backed away. That girl was always trying to jump on me, which really didn't seem to sit well with Lucy and Natsume. She fell flat on her face, as she missed me and Chase came running over.

"Hey, Natsu!!" I looked up at him, "Chase!!" He panted, finally getting to me. "What are you doing here? I thought you were fighting Levi." Chase said  looking up at me as Keiko popped up. "You were supposed to catch me." Keiko looked pissed, "Why?" I gave her a look of confusion and tilted my head to the side. This only made her blush, "Natsu, I think she wanted to give you a hug." Erza patted my shoulder, and I looked back at Erza. "How do you know?" I asked, "Because she launched herself at you." Erza smiled at me, "Oh Natsu, you clueless idiot." Gray shook his head, "Hey!! Who you calling idiot, Ice Princess?!!!" I yelled, "I'm calling you the idiot, Flame-for-brains! To be honest you are so stupid. You couldn't even tell, that she wanted to hug you. Not only that you also let Natsume run off on her own!! Again!!!" Gray yelled at me and I got in his face.

"Will you two stop it!!!? We ha-" The ground started to shake, which sent panic in the townspeople. "Chase! Keiko get everyone out of here now!!" Erza shouted and they rushed towards the panicked crowd of people.

"Where is that coming from?" Lucy looked around, when I spotted a large ray of light. "That light... It feels familiar." I covered my eyes a bit, "It's coming from the castle. Come on, we need to find Natsume and quick." We all quickly piled back into the car, and Erza started driving. "Natsu, can you smell Natsume?" I felt car sick, "Oh lord, not this again." Lucy sweatdropped, "I can't help it, you know how vehicles make me feel." My lip quivered, as I felt the wind blowing my hair.

"Lucky, what about you? Can you smell Natsume?" Mira looked back at us, "Yeah, I can. I'll lead you there." Lucky flew out of the window, "Wait! Take me with you!" I reached out, but she had already flown towards the front. "So helpless." Gray shook his head with a sigh, "Shut up, droopy eyes." The bad feelings came back, making stick my tongue out.

Erza suddenly swerved the car, "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Everyone in the car screamed, "Hold on!!!" Erza stopped quickly shifting gears, spun around again and pressed on the gas. "Erza, slow down. Why are you driving so fast?" Gildarts yelled, holding onto something. "Lucky sped up, meaning something is going on." My stomach growled loudly, making me feel more sick than I was before. The car suddenly comes to a stop and everyone flies forward a bit, hitting the back of the seat. "Er-" I looked to the side and saw Asuna, she was panting hard and looked like she had been crying. "Asuna! What are you doing in the middle the street? Shouldn't you be with Hirito?" I noticed something was wrong, so I opened the door and fell out of the car. I popped back up and walked to the front of the car, "Asuna-" She launched herself on me and wrapped her small arms around me and started crying. This action caught me off guard, "Asuna, what happened?" Erza bent down by my side, "Natsume found us. But she's hurt badly. And fighting Levi again. This time it's worse." Asuna looked up at Erza, "How is it worse?" Mira put a hand on Asuna's back, "If Levi gets Natsume to the point where she can't fight anymore, he'll use her." Tears streamed down Asuna's face as she began to cry, she must really be close with Natsume to cry this much.

"Asuna, where are they?" I had my hand on her head, trying to calm her down. "Please, you have to help her. Please, don't let Levi hurt Natsume. She's my best friend." All of us stood there in shock, seeing her cry like this. "We'll help her. Don't worry. Where are they?" Erza wiped away Asuna's tears and Asuna pointed in the east direction.

"That's farther from the town square." Lucy looked back at us, "In that case, we need to hurry. If we wanna get to Natsume in time." I looked up at Gildarts.

"Asuna, you said it would get worse. How much worse can it get?" Gray asked.

"If Natsume and Levi don't stop fighting, Natsume will die." My eyes widened at the news. My sister could die?

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