Chapter 51: Finding the answers! Toshiyuki switches sides!

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Natsume's pov

Natsu and I collapsed on top the car, as Erza drove as fast as she could. We were both panting and exhausted, "Natsume, that was great thinking." Natsu said, "Well, I usually think sometimes before I do something which is someone you don't do Natsu." I said, which made Natsu pout. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" He yelled, making me laugh. "Shut up Natsu and relax." I slapped my hand on his face, using my ice powers to cool him off. "Get your cold hand off of my face." He started wiggling around and I moved my hand around, feeling his face. "No, you won't shut up." I said, putting my hand over what I guess was his mouth. "Erza, where are we going?" I poked my head inside the car near her face, and she chuckled a bit. "We're gonna pick up Mika's brother. He said he knows a place, that we can talk." Erza chuckled at me, as I looked at her questioningly. "What?" She shook her head and chuckled again, "What are you laughing at Erza?" I puffed my cheeks out, making everyone else chuckle. "You and your eagerness." I climbed back into the car after Natsu, we rolled over a bump and I fell onto Lyon, making me blush. "You did that on purpose!" Erza laughed as well as everyone else did, making me become red. "Stop laughing at me!! It's not funny!" I heard chuckling on my right and saw Lyon laughing, but noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Ahhhhhh! Put a shirt on!!!" I scrambled off his lap and ended up on the seat across from him, burying my face into Levy's shoulder. Everyone continued to laugh at me, "Stop laughing at me!" I yelled.

After a few minutes, we had been riding I had began to drift off to sleep. The car suddenly stopped, throwing me forward and I groaned. "Erza??" Lucy asked, "We have a problem," She said sternly and i climbed onto the seat across from me, to get closer to Erza. "What's wrong Erza?" Natsu asked, well it looks like he and Gajeel are feeling better. Since I couldn't get any closer to the front, I stuck my head out of the window only to have to stick it back in as a ball of energy flew past the car and blew up behind us. "What was that?!!" Lucy yelled, "Toshiyuki. He's standing a few feet away from the car, but he's blocking our path." Erza called out to us, "Let me handle this." Natsu said, but I stopped him. "It's best if I do it. I got this." I climbed out of the window, before anyone else could say anything.

I walked out in front of the car, standing protectively in front of it. "What do you want Toshiyuki?" I shrouded my hand in fire and the other in ice, "I'm not here to hurt you." He said, raising his hands in surrender. "Yeah, I'll be the judge of that!" I punched at his feet, making a large crater and him stumble backwards. "What the hell do you want? We don't have Asuna anymore. So why the hell did you stop us?" I glared, "Listen, I wanted to talk to you guys about something." He held his hand out, "And what is that?" I got ready to punch him, "I need to explain something to you guys." He said, with sweat rolling down the side of his temple. "And what exactly did you come to explain? I don't trust you, Toshiyuki." I got in his face, "Well," He blushed lightly, which was odd. He was showing a side, I've never seen before.

"What is it? Spit it out already." I puffed out my cheeks, placing my hands on my hips. "Well, I wanted to tell you some highly classified information about Levi." He said looking down which made me step back and stand up straight, I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down at him. "Hey Erza!!" I called, "Yeah, what is it?" She asked, "Can you come here please?" I heard the car door open and the clinking of her armor, as she came over.

"What is it, Natsume?" I slightly turned my head to her, "Can you tell if he's telling the truth? He says he isn't here to hurt us, but obviously fighting with him in the past has made me skeptical." I explained to her, as she stepped forward and gave him a glare. It was silent for a few minutes, before Erza spoke again.

"He's telling the truth. What did you need to tell us Toshiyuki?" She stepped back, "Well, we can't talk here." He stood up, "Alright, get in the magic mobile. I'm not guaranteeing your safety in there though. No telling what Natsu, Gajeel or Gray might do to you. We need to pick someone up." Erza and I walked to the car and I climbed on top and stuck my head in, "Listen everyone. Toshiyuki is coming with us." I said, "What?!!!" They all shouted, some of them looked pissed. "Why is he coming with us? Why are you letting him in here after what he tried to do to you?!" Mika yelled, becoming angry with me.

"Because he's telling truth for the first time. He needs to tell us something important. It doesn't matter, what he did in the past! Toshiyuki get in the car now!" I yelled at him, which made him rush over and climb into the car. He sat in between Lucy and Juvia but Gray, Gajeel and Natsu were giving him a glare. Well mostly everyone was giving him a glare, except for Lucy and Levy. "Why are you even here? Nobody likes you." This only made me punch Gajeel in the head, "Stop giving him a hard time, baka. You too, Gray and Natsu. I will slap you silly, stop your damn glaring already." I said, making Natsu pout. "Thanks for sticking up for me." Toshiyuki smiled at me, which made me blush lightly and look away. "I wasn't sticking up for you, you know. I'm just tired of these three idiots being idiots." I said, "Hey!! Don't smile at my sister!!" Natsu yelled, which earned an irk mark on my forehead.

"You baka, what did I tell you?!" I jumped into the car through the window and pounced on Natsu. "Wait!! Stop that!!! No!!" Natsu shouted, "Guys!! Please!! There's not enough room for you two to be fighting!!" Everyone yelled, causing Natsu and I to get irritated. "Shut up!!" We yelled in unison, which made everyone start arguing.

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