Chapter 24: Save The People!!

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Natsume's pov

We ran to the back of the train, making sure that all of the children were with Lisanna. The train came to a screeching halt as the three of us were thrown down, I heard a loud boom come from the front of the train. I heard gasps and I rushed to the window, there was smoke coming from the engine room. "Something must have happened up there." Juvia said, "But isn't that where the conductor, Natsu and Lucy are?" Gray asked, making me panic so I took off running without saying a word. "Where are you going?!" Juvia called out, "To see if they are okay! Stay here!" I yelled back at them and ran faster. I had on maroon jean shorts and a white tank top, my scarf was wrapped securely around my neck and I had on black converse boots. I pushed myself, running past Erza. "Where are you going?!!" She called and I stopped in my tracks, "I saw smoke coming from the front of the train. I think something bad happened in the engine room. I have to see if Natsu, Lucy and the conductor are alright." I looked back at her, "Alright, I'll head to the back." She nodded, I nodded back and ran off. I passed Gajeel and the others, who were confused by my sudden appearance.

"Where the hell are you going?" Gajeel asked, "To check the front of the train!" I yelled, "Laxus is up there, remember?!" Freed yelled and I ran faster, "Please, all three of you be alright." I thought to myself, as I ran faster. The other train cars ahead were empty, meaning Gajeel was doing his job.

I got to the second car just before the engine room. Half of the room had been completely destroyed, there was a large hole through wall. "Natsu? Lucy? Mister conductor? Laxus?" Something grabbed my leg, making me scream and since the place was filled with smoke, I couldn't see anything. "AHHHHHHHHHH, let me go!!" I screamed, kicking something hard. "Owww, that hurt Natsume!" I heard a familiar voice, shifting my eyes around the room. "Laxus?" I saw him stand up and I hugged him, throwing myself onto him.

"Thank god, you're okay!!" I yelled, "Yah well, I don't feel so great. Anyways what are you doing here?" Laxus asked, scrunching his eyebrows. "I heard a big boom and came to check on you guys." I let go of him, taking a step back. "So where's Natsu and Lucy? And the conductor?" I asked, "Ahhh, so you're looking for these two huh?" A guy with long black hair held up Natsu and Lucy, "What did you do to them?" I growled, clenching my fists and he dropped them. Natsu slightly moved and Lucy woke up, "Natsu, Lucy." I rushed towards them, helping Lucy sit up. "All I did was blow up the place. They were probably caught in the explosion." He brushed his long hair back and I saw his sword, it was hanging around his waist. "You bastard! Why did you blow up the train?!" I stood up and out of the corner of my eye, Natsu and Lucy were now standing up but with the help of Laxus. "See we need these rich people for our plan. I can't tell you anything else, but you seem to be getting on the way. So I have to get rid of you." He pulled out his sword, making me put my guard up.

"Like hell I will let you pass me and take these people." My hand lit on fire and I growled at him. "So what's your name?" I asked, "Katashi. Katashi Kikuchi." He said. In right hand I made an ice sword, "Be careful, Natsume." Laxus warned, "Don't worry about me, just stand back." I got in a defensive stance, "Oh, so you're gonna fight me, are you?" He smirked at me and I charged at him, not wasting any time.

"You bastard, don't underestimate me!" He blocked my attack and kicked at me. I dodged it and punched him, but he caught my fists and swung his foot around, hitting me in the back. He then kicked me in the side and I flew back a little. I kept a firm grip on the ground, when another guy walked in. What's worse is that he had Satomi in a choke hold, with a large needle in his hand. "Satomi?" My eyes widened in terror, I was scared he would kill her. "Natsume, they took lucky. But she escaped. She got away, and went to the guild hall." Satomi stammered out, her eyes told me just how scared she was. "Let her go!" I snapped, turning my attention to the guy holding her.

"Not a chance sweetheart. Hand over the person were looking for." He said, shaking his head. "I don't know who you're talking about." I said, "Who are you looking for?" Lucy asked, walking up near me. "His name Shuichi Kagawa. He is the head corporate of a company that has been leeching money off of the people. Now all of the people live in poverty because of it." Katashi explained.

"Let her go, Damnit." I rushed forward, "Natsume, wait!" Lucy called out, "Listen Missie, if you even think about taking so much as a step towards me then she'll get the needle." He threatened, making me stop in my tracks.

"Natsume, do it. If it's to save everyone, then do it. Don't worry about me." The tears in her eyes told me, she was ready to give up her life for others. My eyes widened in horror, "No, Satomi. I'm not gonna let you die. I'm not giving up your life for anyone, if we can stop it." I said to her, "Natsume, you don't have to worry." She slightly shook her head, "Hey girl, don't try anything stupid. You want the needle?" She struggled in his arms, "Natsume, you have to fight. You have to save the others!" She yelled and I rushed towards her, but Katashi got in the way and we clashed swords.

"So you chose to fight me, huh? Well... excellent choice." He smirked at me, as I growled at him.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing little girl?!" I heard the guy with shorter hair ask and I looked back. Satomi bit his arm drawing blood, and he yelled out in pain. "You wench! I outta kill you!!!" I saw Natsu rush forward to get her, as he raised his arm up. He jabbed the needle in her arm, injecting the liquid into her arm. "No!!!" I yelled out, "Don't let your guard down!!!" He kicked me in the stomach and I flew back. I saw Natsu catch Satomi, as I was able to stop myself from flying to far.

"That wench!" I heard a thud and saw a guy standing there. He had punched the shorter haired guy in the face, making him hit the ground. This guy had light pink hair and light pink eyes, something told me he wasn't a bad person. But just who is he? And why is he up here?

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