1.2 • W a n n a F i g h t I t

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We walked together, Michael and I

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We walked together, Michael and I. We moved lightly and quietly through the streets with our hands joined and both of us content. He was walking me to my parents house because I couldn't bring myself to go back to Logan, I was scared of what he'd do or say because I knew he would be sitting in his chair and staring at the door waiting for my return. I liked walking the streets at night, it felt so relaxed and there was an eery calm which I liked a lot.

"This is it." I told Michael as I pointed to the red bricked house that belonged to my parents. He nodded and kissed my forehead gently.

"Be careful, yeah." I nodded and smiled at him. "I'll text you."

"Bye Micheal."

"Bye Evie."  I made my way to the door and knocked lightly, I was nervous beyond belief. My parents had never really liked Logan, they didn't know the way he treated me but they disliked him anyway which was he had tried to keep me away from them and I had let him. The door opened only a little and I saw the cautious eyes of my father. I sent him a anxious smile as he opened the door fully.

"Evie, what are you doing here?" He asked looking around outside of the door, probably making sure that Logan was not there.

"I was wondering if I could stay the night?" I asked subtly for his permission. He nodded and allowed me to step into the house before he wrapped his arms around me.

"Of course you can, although, I'm not happy with how long it's been since we last saw you." He said as he pulled out of our embrace.

"Me either." He walked into the kitchen while I went into the living room and saw my mother sitting on the couch, her eys trained on the Nicholas Sparks movie that was playing on the screen. "Mum." I said catching her attention, she turned to me with apparent surprise before she sprang up out of her seat and wrapped her arms tightly around me. I laughed happy that she was not angry with me.

"Evie, it's been so long." She said and I could clear hear the pain in her voice.

"I know. I'm sorry." I sat down on the navy blue couch as my dad walked back into the room holding a mug of tea in his hands.

"So, what are you doing up so late dear?" He asked as he passed me the mug. I rellished in the feeling of the warm mug on my hands and I felt very nostalgic at the fact my dad had made the tea in my favourite mug, it was a beauty and the beast one, old and slightly chipped in places, that had been a present on my eleventh birthday six years ago.

"I was at a party quite close to here." I lied before sipping the hot tea carefully.

" I lied before sipping the hot tea carefully

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"You always have been a party animal." My mum laughed lightly.

"Not so much anymore, Logan's got me under control." I laughed falsely and they looked away unhappy about my choice of boyfriend but not realising how true my words actually were. They had disliked him from the moment they had met him, had barely allowed him to step foot in our house but as I was head over heels, I didn't listen to them, blinded by lust. They had hated it when I told them I was moving in with him, I had just turned seventeen and had only just began college but they couldn't stop me. They had never been controlling parents.


I walked away from Evie's parents house through the dark streets, my heart beating rapidly and anger running through me

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I walked away from Evie's parents house through the dark streets, my heart beating rapidly and anger running through me. She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. As soon as we made eye contact at that party I was entranced by her which had never happened to me before, but of course I saw her walking in looking perfect and she saw me dancing like an idiot. I had been waiting all night for her to leave her friends, waiting for an oppurtunity to talk to her and introduce myself but when I did that son of a bitch swaggered in and dragged her away. When I saw the way he grabbed her I knew there was something up, you don't touch somebody like that unless you have a problem with them, or your just an arsehole like him. I had left the party quite quickly after that because it had really put a damper on my mood. I had walked around for a bit until I stumbled across the park and saw her sitting on the swings. I could hardly believe it. I had walked over to her slowly, I was just some dude she had met at a party a few hours before, she wouldn't want to speak to me but she did. She had opened up to me, seemed to like me, kissed me. It was all very fast, like a movie, one night changed your whole life. I didn't mind that though. I wanted to help her, fight for her so she wouldn't have to live with that shitty boyfriend in his shitty house and she wouldn't get beat up every other day and when I had been with her, watching her cry in a little dress and my massive jacket, it had been a burning desire to kill him and give her something better and I still felt that immensely but I felt a bit faded now.

I got to my house pretty quickly, I opened the door with my keys and headed straight for my room. I stopped on the stairs however as I heard the yells of m parents from the kitchen. They always fought nowadays, the biggest fights however, happened when they were on the subject of me. I had never been the best in school, they didn't think me and the guys had that big a chance of becoming a successful band and they didn't like the fact I always went to parties and stumbled in drunk and on rare occasions stoned. When I got to my room I collasped onto my bed but before going under the covers I stripped myself down until I was only wearing underwear and then I closed my eyes, attempting to sleep with all of the loud thoughts in my mind and the shouting of my mum and dad. I couldn't tell whether I was more stressed about my parents or happy about meeting Evie.

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