1.7 • R e t u r n i n g T o L i f e

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My heart was palpatating, it felt as if it was going to explode from my chest along with all of my organs. My breathing was heavy too. I was terrified. The horror dawned on me that I was not just about to be punished, that happened a lot, I could handle it but I had no idea was Logan would do to Michael and that killed me. Or maybe Logan would in a few minutes.

Michael met my eyes, he was scared too, I could tell. We held the gaze aware that there was nothing we could do, no way to save each other or ourselves. So we held onto each other knowing that this could be the end. It felt like the end.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before I saw his shadow in the doorway and his presence became unavoidingly clear.

"Evie!" His voice was clearer than it had been moments before, he was there, I knew he was in front of us and I couldn't bear to see him

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"Evie!" His voice was clearer than it had been moments before, he was there, I knew he was in front of us and I couldn't bear to see him. "What the fuck is this!" His voice was louder than anything I had ever heard and more violent than I could imagine a human ever sounding.

Everything went silent.

"Open your fucking eyes or I swear to god you'll regret it." Tears had pooled up in my eyes but I knew better than to defy him so I opened my eyes and met his furious ones. "I always knew you were a dirty slut!" I flinched at his scream.

"Don't you dar-"

"No!" I interrupted Michael because my worst fear was him being hurt because of me and my stupid relationship.

"You're defending your little buddy, Ev." Logan moved around to the left side of the bed where Michael was and grabbed him by the collar, he was stronger and of a better build. Michael stood no chance and I was petrified. "I'll have to teach you both a lesson then."

I watched as the boyfriend I despised threw the boy I loved onto the floor with little effort and a sob escaped me as I screamed. "Logan! Lo, please don't hurt him!" Logan turned his head and smiled at me, a wide, toothy smiled that filled me with so much fear.

"You're making it so much more exiting, babe."

In an instant he threw a hard punch at Michael and just kept going. Logan was so used to hitting me that he could keep going for ages. Michael tried to protest and fight back but all of his efforts seemed to be useless.  Michael's groans and yells in pain made my heart shatter and I could not hold in my heavy sobs.

"Logan stop!" I stood up and grabbed his arm but he pushed me into the chest of draws behind us. I screamed out, Michael attempted to get up again trying to save me but he had no chance before Logan's foot made contact with his face.

"Why?" He laughed. "You both disrespected me."

"I love him!" I cried. "I just wanted to be happy but everything's gone wrong."

"Aww, I feel so sorry for you

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"Aww, I feel so sorry for you." His tone was full of sarcasm as I cried behind him watching the worst thing I had ever seen in my life. The next few minutes felt like an eternity for me. Watching something like that and knowing that you can do nothing is the most horrible thing in the world. "Well." Logan said standing up like that situation was completely normal. "I don't think he'll be getting up anytime soon."

I took a breath as I crawled over to Michael and my tears only came harder when I saw the bloody mess that he was.


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"Mikey." I whispered feeling so much empathy and pain for him. His eyes were mostly closed probably starting to swell but he was trying to look at me as my tears fell onto him and I put my hands on his face. I couldn't see past the blood but I could only imagine the bruises and cuts he would have. He closed his eyes in that moment and I felt like every organ I had was failing, I didn't know if he was okay or it what he had just been put through because of me was too much for him to deal with.

Suddenly rough hands were around my waist and I was being pulled away from the boy I loved. I screamed and kicked and flailed but I could not escape Logan's grip and I didn't know if Michael would be okay, if he would return to life or fade away.

"We're going away, Evie

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"We're going away, Evie." Logan whispered in my ear as I tried to reach Michael Clifford but he was so out of my grasp and I truly thought that from that moment on it would be forever.

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