Chapter 2: A kiss or a help ?

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Jaze's POV

[Time skip: saturday]

It's already saturday ! Finally ! Well,I'll just lay on my bed all day,play video games and— "Yay !!!! We're going to a resort this day !!" Nagami squealed. Darn,I forgot about that ! Mikoto and Taiki just chuckled. "Uhm,Nagami.. Can I ask you something ?" Taiki said. Nagami nodded. "Why don't you just show the real you when in school..? Or around other people than us..?" He asked. Nagami sighed. "I don't trust others... Than you three." She answered. "Huh... Why..?" Mikoto asked. "If I do show them who I'm really are,they might just laugh.. Especially Yuna.." She sighed. I patted her back. "Come on. Cut the feels off ! We'll be having fun in a resort,remember ?" I smiled. She smiled back then nodded. "Let's go then !" Taiki smiled. We went to a resort which was owned by Taiki's dad,and the whole resort was empty. "Huh ? i thought you said it's a public resort ?" Nagami blinked. "Yes,it is.. But I think dad closed it just to make it private." He chuckled. "Cool !" I smiled. Nagami started to look around. "Darn.." She mumbled. "What's wrong ?" I asked. "I left my bag on my bed.. Now I don't know what to wear after we swim here.." She sighed. "You love jackets,right ?" Mikoto asked. "Yes." She answered. "I brought an extra jacket here and short that I guess would fit you." He smiled. Nagami giggled. "Okay then !" She smiled. "You seem to see this coming..." Taiki said. "Well,I know she would forget something,so I brought her yellow jacket and her shorts in purpose." Mikoto chuckled. Nagami looked at him then slapped his shoulder. "You idiot ! You peeked in my drawer !" She grinned her teeth. "Well,I didn't looked at your undies section." He chuckled again. Undies. That word made me remember what happened that monday night. "Hey,Jaze. You okay ? You're face is red." Taiki looked at me. I didn't realized I was blushing. "Y-yeah.. I'm fine !" I shyly chuckled,trying to erase the thought.

We guys changed to our trunks in the men's restroom. And of course,Nagami at the women's restroom. We waited for her outside,sitting on a bench. "That girl sure is a slowpoke." I sighed. Mikoto chuckled. "Yeah." He agreed. The door suddenly opened,then Nagami came out. She was wearing a yellow two piece. Dammit,dammit,dammit,dammit,dammit,dammit,dammit.. Jaze,hold your nose from bleeding ! "N-nagami,you look beautiful..." Mikoto stuttered. Taiki just stared,maybe stunned. "Does it look fine..? or should I just wear a t-shirt and shorts..." She asked shyly. "I-it's in the rules in this resort,Nagami. You should wear a swimming outfit.." Taiki said. I slapped the back of his head. "You perv ! Let's just go.." I sighed then went to the pool. She smiled then jumped to the pool,splashing a lot of water. "Our turn !" I yelled then we jumped at the same time. "Hey wait. Wanna play volleyball here ?" Taiki smiled. "Sure but.. We don't have a beach ball.." Nagami sighed. Taiki jumped out of the water then went to a store,I guess,then snatched a beachball. He went back to us with a smile. "Hey Taiki,that should be bought,right ? Let's go pay for that." I blinked. "Don't worry,Jaze. It's my dad's resort. And as his son,I can invite my friends and everything that is supposed to be selled here.... Is free." He chuckled. "Free ?!" Mikoto looked shocked. "Yep ! Now let's play !" Taiki smiled. Well,I partnered up with Nagami. Mikoto served the beachball to us,then Nagami shot it back. Taiki shot it back once again,but I think he shot back strongly because the ball went to the deep part of the pool. "I'll get it." Nagami smiled. "You sure ? That part's kinda deep." Taiki warned. "I can swim from here to the ball and then swim back." She smiled then started to swim to the ball. We just watched,then talked a little as she went to get it. "So,you have a da. who owns a resort. How wonderful !" Mikoto smiled. "Yeah ! I never knew about it !" I said also. "Thanks.." Taiki shyly smiled. "Hey,Nagami's supposed to be here now,right ? Getting a ball won't take this long.." Mikoto blinked.

My eyes widened as I looked behind,seeing her trying to hold onto something. She looked like she's drowning.  "Damn,Nagami's drowning !" I yelled. She said she can reach it.. What happened ?! "Nagami,hang on !" I yelled,going to her. She suddenly stopped then slowly sank,bubbles forming. I went underwater then grabbed her,swimming to the nearest place where I can lay her down. Mikoto and Taiki went out of the water then took Nagami out of the water. "She needs CPR...." Taiki mumbled. "But..  I don't know how to do that kind of thing..." Taiki looked at Mikoto. "Same..." He panted. I got out of the water also then sat beside Nagami. She was still unconscious. They looked at me. "I can." I opened her mouth then gasped for air. I put my lips on hers without any hesitation then gave her some air. Look,it's gonna be my bestfriend's life in the line so I can't hesitate. I stopped then pumped her chest with my hands. She started to cough out some water. I leaned closer to her to do the same thing again when she suddenly woke up,looking at me. "J-jaze...?" She mumbled. I blushed then backed away,letting her sit up and breathe in some air. "Nagami,are you okay now..?" Mikoto asked. She nodded. "That was awesome,Jaze ! I didn't think you know anything about saving someone !" Taiki smiled. Nagami looked at me then smiled back. "Thanks. " she mumbled. "Your welcome.." I replied. Mikoto sighed. "Let's just take a bath then go back to our dorm.." He sighed then went to the restroom. Taiki followed him. I was about to walk whei I saw Nagami,still sitting. “Hey,let's go." I smiled then lended a hand. She smiled then took it. We went to the restroom and got seperated to Nagami,of course. I took a bath then wore a black jacket and jeans. The others got done also then we walked back to our dorm room. Nagami quickly slept. I guess she's really tired. I just laid on my bed then slept also.

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