Chapter 8: Clyde,a new admirer of the Harem Princess ?

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Taiki's POV

I'm in the boys changing room. Well,our first subject is P.E. cause it's friday today. I was changing into my gym shorts when Jaze approached me. "Hey." He said. I looked at him. "Hey." I replied. "Did anyone knew about the secret ?" He asked. I chuckled. "No.. no one." I heard him sigh in relief. "Good." He then walked away. Well,this will be the first time we'll see Nagami in gym shorts. Last friday we didn't do any P.E. stuff because of the play. Mikoto,Jaze and I went outside after we changed. Our tops are still the same,me with my sweatshirt,Jaze with his jacket and Mikoto... Uhm,he changed into a white t-shirt. Nagami soon came out of the women's changing room,and F**k. She looks effin' sexy..

"Hey !" She smiled brightly,waving. Her P.E. shirt fits her just fine,and her shorts were too short. Maybe on the thighs. We all blushed slightly as we looked at how she looks. She blushed then suddenly got shy,then she covered her legs with her hands. "H-hey,don't look too much.." She mumbled. With that,I realized that I was staring at her. I shook my head then looked at the two,who was also staring. "B-baka,didn't you heard what she just said ?!" I hit their heads at the same time,bringing them back to their senses. "Ow !" They complained.

We went to the field. "Jaze Itsuka." Ms. Tonari called him. He went to the starting line. "Start." She said,clicking the stopwatch. Jaze ran to the finish line,then Ms. Tonari stopped the stopwatch. "8.08 seconds. Good record,Mr. Itsuka." Ms. Tonari smiled. Well,the whole class did the same. I got 8.09,Mikoto got 9.00. And Nagami,the fastest in the whole class,got 6.08 seconds. Yuna got 6.10,just two seconds apart. Nagami was praised by some of the boys. I can see Jaze jealous by it. "Hey,you're so fast !" A guy named Clyde greeted. Nagami shyly smiled back. "Thanks..." She mumbled. "Are you free tomorrow ? I would like to treat you out." He smiled.

Jaze's POV

That Clyde.. Damn,I'm feeling my nerves rage when he asked her. I went infront of her,taking her hand. "Oh,sorry. But we'll be leaving. See ya !" I said with a slight glare. I dragged her then walked away. "H-hey,Jaze.... That's not the way you normally act.." She mumbled. I got back to myself,then released her hand. "Sorry.." I sighed. Why was I even mad that time ? I thought to myself. Was I....

Jealous ?

"Why act like that ?" Mikoto asked. "Nothing... I just felt something weird from that guy.. I felt like he's planning something.." I sighed. The 4 of us departed ways,then changed into our casual wear. I heard cries outside. Sh*t,don't tell me it's.... "YOU CHEATING B*TCH !" Yuna's words were heard. "I-I didn't cheated..." Nagami's voice mumbled. I hurriedly ran out of the changing room. Yuna slapped her hardly,making her fall to the ground. She then picked her up by her collar. A thick crowd started to form,making it harder to go to her. "You'll have to pay for that !" Yuna yelled. I saw a glimpse of them,seeing Yuna take her wallet again.

"Y-yuna,stop ! T-that's my allowance for n-next week !" Nagami pleaded. I finally got the chance then I ran through the crowd,ignoring the claps and whoever I bump. "YUNA,STOP HURTING NAGAMI !" I yelled. Nagami covered her face then cried. Yuna looked at me. "Jaze,you don't have to protect that worthless girl. I can give you anything you want.. Just leave that girl alone !" Yuna said. I got angrier this time. "I only want her and my friends. Nothing else. So you better shut up and stay away from my bestfriend !" I yelled. Yuna got shocked at my words. "You'll regret refusing me,Jaze !" She yelled then stomped as she walked away,tossing the wallet she took from Nagami to a wall. Nagami sat there,shaking and crying. I went to her then hugged her,rubbing her back. "It's fine,she's gone.." I mumbled. She wiped her tears off then managed to smile. "Thanks...." She mumbled.

Nagami's POV

I was in the locker room,taking my notes again. I got two envelopes. I think the first one's yesterday.


Dear Nagami,

Hey.. Why can't I see you around ? What happened ? Are you absent ? Aww..... Well,I heard from your 2 friends that you were sick. I hope you get well soon,Nagami. I love you ! :)

~Blue Raven


I smiled as I read this. I opened the second one.


Dear Nagami,

Look,I hate how that Clyde asked you out. Good thing your friend dragged you away. And that Yuna,she's doing too much to you. Should I teach her a lesson ? Well,I know you won't want that. You're a forgiving girl,one of the reasons why I love you. Keep up the good work in your studies ! I Love You ! :)

~Blue raven


I sighed,smiling a bit. I quickly locked up my locker,keeping the envelopes inside. I suddenly felt eyes over me so I looked around. I looked at a corner,seeing a strand of light blue hair. Hey,is that.... "Jaze,is that you ?" I went closer to the corner,but then when she reached that part,there was no person there. "Huh.." She blinked. "Nevermind." I sighed then went back to the classroom. Jaze was there,doing some stuff. He was panting,looking tired. "Hey,what happened to you ?" I asked. He looked up at me. "Nothing,I just ran from the canteen." He said. "Oh... Okay.." I sat on my chair again. I listened to the discussions,then when the class is dismissed,I stood up then kept my things. "Oi,wanna go out for a treat ?" I heard a voice from behind. "Clyde ? Oh,sure. Why not ?" I smiled. Clyde took my bag then started walking. "Oi,Taiki. Tell them I'll be late !" I yelled,then followed Clyde.

Jaze's POV

"Where's Nagami ?" I asked Taiki cause her bag was missing and I can't see her around. "She's with Clyde." Taiki replied. "What.. Why ?" I blinked. "I don't know.." He sighed. "Okay,I'll be late too." I said. "Are you gonna stalk her again ?" He asked. I nodded. "I promised i'll be always watching her. So just tell Mikoto that me and her will be late." I ran outside,carrying my bag. That Clyde...... Does he admire Nagami ? He's getting in my veins.. I found them walking to an elegant Ice cream shop. He knows Nagami's favorites... I secretly followed them,watching. "What do you like ?" Clyde asked. Nagami smiled then pointed at the chooolate flavor. "Okay,I'll order the same." Clyde smiled then ordered two chocolate ice creams,handing one to Nagami. "Thanks.." She smiled. "It's nothing. Come,let's go to comic alley !" He smiled.

"C-comic alley ?! Are you sure ?!" She looked surprised. Clyde nodded. "You can take anything you want there." He smiled then grabbed Nagami's hand,dragging her outside. I looked down,sighing. "I won't be able to treat those to her..." I mumbled. I slowly walked outside,then followed them again. She took a poster and just low priced stuff. Clyde took Blair's hat then he placed it on Nagami's head. "There. You look cute with that." He smiled. "B-but it's expensive.." She mumbled. "I can even buy hundreds of that so don't worry. Take it." He chuckled. Nagami smiled then took the hat. "Thanks..." They went to the counter then payed for the stuff. "Well,I think it's time for you to go home." Clyde looked at her. Nagami nodded. "Yep.. Thanks for the treat,Clyde-kun !" Nagami smiled then started to walk away. I saw Clyde sigh,putting his hands in hie pockets. "Such an adorable girl.." He mumbled then started to leave also. Adorable girl ? Does that mean he also admires.... Nagami ? I walked then followed her,then pretended to be walking around also. "Hey Nagami ! It's good to see you here !" I smiled. She looked at me. "Oh,hey ! Uhm,what are you doing here ?" She asked. "I wanted to buy something to eat,but I found nothing good so I'll be leaving." I sighed. We walked to our dorm.

"Uhm,Jaze.. Do you think Blue raven is always watching me ?" She asked. I nodded. "Cause I kinda saw you behind the corner near my locker.. So I thought.... You and Blue raven are one.." She sighed. I quickly shook my head. "No,it's not me. Maybe someone else." I lied. Yep,it was me. I saw a glimpse of her walking to where I am so I quietly ran away. That's why I was panting before. We reached home then Nagami plomped on her bed,removing her shoes. "Where did you two went ?" Mikoto asked. "Clyde treated me then I found Jaze there also so we both went here." Nagami explained. "Oh,okay." Mikoto sighed. I went to my bed then sighed also. I was too jealous of Clyde,he's taking advantages of my girl !

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