iii. v professional

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laureljames: I'm v professional when I'm on set of SPN #obviously #whydoistillhaveajob

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laureljames: I'm v professional when I'm on set of SPN #obviously #whydoistillhaveajob


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usera: okay but what does she do??

userb: she's so pretty like dang 😍👅😏

userc: slay me

userd: but girl what that tongue do 😏

luminite: ha her face is the throne i would like to sit upon.

usere: i don't actually think she's that pretty??

userf: she's never been in an episode tho?? and she's talked about being on set for like three years now??

hannahteller: My best friend is hotter than the sun jfc I'm blessed

userg: look how pretty she is userh

useri: i laugh bc no one is paying any attention to her 😂😂😂

misha: Idk why they even still pay you. Can I get you fired??


userk: i'm actually laughing

laureljames: #mishaneverleavesmealone #alwaysattackingme #savelaurel2k16

userl: i kind of like her??

jensenackles: Here she is. jaredpadalecki

userm: what

wnchesters: okay but the (un)holy trinity im so alive rn i need more of laurel + them

traceofyou: im so lost. does jared not know who laurel is?? she's been on set for three years?? im

usern: her hashtags are great 😂😂

jaredpadalecki: Hey, Laurel! Your cooking is great. Thanks for putting up with my ridiculous orders over the last three years!!

[ jaredpadalecki is now following laureljames ]

usero: hOLY

laureljames: Awe, thanks Jared! It means a lot. and no problem, really! It always keeps me interested + invested in my dishes. Keep 'em coming!! jaredpadalecki

userp: im crying, she's their cook 😭😂

[ laureljames is now following jaredpadalecki ]

tybennett: Finally


i relate to ty on a spiritual level lbr

[ 12.5.16 ]
[ edited | 12.19.18 ]

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