xvii. damn giant teddy bear

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Whenever Laurel called Ty, it was because she needed advice and he was the closest thing she had to her sister anymore. He always knew to drop what he was doing and answer the phone. So when she was calling him at four in the morning, he let go of the anger of being woken up that early and answered the phone.

"Hey, Laur, what's up?"

"I'm screwed," she said, running a hand through her hair on her end of the call. "Ty, I am so goddamn screwed."

"What's wrong?" he asked, worried that she had gotten herself into actual trouble in Canada.

"I'm not ready for a relationship! Why the hell did I open my life to this damn giant teddy bear? I am not over Kendall, I'm not even completely past my teenage alcoholism. How am I supposed to have a healthy relationship with someone?! God, Ty, why did you let me thinking becoming friends with Jared was a good idea?"

"Slow down, what's happening?" he mumbled, his brain a little slow.

"I like Jared Tristan Padalecki, you block of fricken cheese!" she exclaimed, making him gasp in realization.

"You really do?"

"Well yeah. He cooks me dinner so I don't have to, he gives me foot massages, he listens to me fangirl about Kat McNamara, he even tucks me into bed if I fall asleep on the couch while he's there. Hell, he even stands up for me when fans send me hate. Not that he needs to, I know hate comes with the territory. But Ty, I really like him. And he's the first since Kendall and I don't know what to do."

"Okay, Laur, take a deep breath," he says, shuffling to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. "Listen to me right now; I love you. Jensen loves you. Hannah loves you. Hell, even Misha loves you. You are ready, trust me. If you weren't, you wouldn't have even realized you like him because your mind would he nowhere near any kind of relationship. So I suggest you just take a few deep breaths, drink some tea, and accept the fact that you are falling for someone. I'm not telling you to approach a relationship yet - let it happen when it happens - but you don't need to panic about it, okay?"

"Okay," she sighed. "Thank you. I love you, too, Ty. I'm so glad Ken brought you into my life. God, what time is it where you are?"

"Four thirteen in the morning. But don't worry about it. Get some sleep before you need to work."

"I'm in the shower you block of cheese. I'm up for the day."

"Jesus fuck no. I'm going back to bed as soon as we hang up."

She laughed and their conversation lasted a few more minutes before it ended. He went back to sleep and she got dressed for the day, smiling when she noticed that Jared had left his shirt from the day before behind - he had changed into comfier clothes when they ate dinner and watched a movie - so she grabbed it and slipped it over her head, pairing it with legging and a messy bun. And then she slid on her high top Converse - only one, due to her ankle - and grabbed Toaster's leash, leading her outside for their quick walk before heading to the kitchen - though Toaster stayed in her office in the kitchen, for hygienic purposes. Misha passed her outside, tugging on her ponytail and Jared smiled at her from across the set, so she sent him a wave and ducked into the kitchen.

alice's note

[ 12.8.16 ]
[ edited | 12.19.18 ]

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